Monday: Row + CP Battery + FSQ + UB Press/Shoulder Prehab
Warm Up: PVC Shouler Warm Up, Wrist Mobility, Roll Legs and Hips on Foam Roller
A. Row Intervals: 5 x 350m @ 1:47 pace, R 1:00 b/w sets
This is no fun
B. Clean Complex: 2 Hang Clean + 2 Squat Cleans From Floor: Build to max set in 12 min
Not great 145lbs
C. Front Squat: 4 x 5 @ (180,210,225,225#), R 2-3:00
Going up on a Monday
D1. Bench Press: 3 x 5 @ (175,205, 215#), R :45 (let me know if this bothers shoulder any)
Shoulder was good
D2. DB External Rotation: 3 x 8/arm (20#), R :45
D3. Powell Raise: 3 x 8/arm (20#), R :45
Tuesday: EMOM Strength + UB Hypertrophy + Cyclical Cool Down
Warm Up: Bike 3 min + Couch Stretch on Wall (2min) + Sumo Squat (hold :30 sec in bottom) 2-3x
Crossover Symmetry Activation Protocol
12 min EMOM
1st: 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24" worse than jumping over bar
2nd: 8 Pendlay Rows (95#)
3rd: 10 KB Swings, 53#
12 min EMOM
1st: 7 Goblet Squats, 53#
2nd: Bike Sprint to 7 calories
3rd: 7 Double Unders
Accumulate 50 reps of each movement
Push Ups
Bench Dips
Sit Ups w/ Medball in hands (hold ball, touch ground behind head and then between feet)
Bike 5 min as Cool Down
Wednesday: OH Power + Positions + CP Battery + SL/UB Press/Bending/Jumping + Cool Down
Warm Up: KB Windmills, KB Arm Bars (5/side each x 3)
A. Back Squat: 4 x 10,8,6,6,6 (225,245,265,285,305,325#), R 2:00 305 hurt 325 really hurt only got 3
B. Barbell Upright Rows: 4 x 8-10 @115-135#, R 1:30
Did with 95 needs work
C1. DB Walking Lunge: 4 x 50', R :45
C2. Landmine Rows: 4 x 12-15, R :45 (in video he uses attachment; just use hands)
C3. Back Extensions: 4 x 10, R :45 (hold 2 seconds at top of each rep)
C4. Hollow Body Rocks: 4 x :20 sec, R :45
Crossover Symmertry Recovery Protocol
Warm Up
Run 4 x 400m @ consistent effort, R 1:00 b/w sets
For Time:
25 Cal Row
25 Box Jumps
25 Thrusters, 95#
25 Box Jumps
25 Cal Row
DB External Rotation: 3 x 15/arm (12#), R :45
DB Powell Raise: 3 x 15/arm (12#), R :45
8 min AMRAP @ consistent effort
Row 250m
6 Burpees over Erg
:15 sec Wall Facing HS Hold
rest 4 min
8 min AMRAP @ consistent effort
Run 200m (bike 1 min if raining)
15 Russian KB Swings, 70#
50' Bear Crawl
rest 4 min
8 min AMRAP @ consistent effort
Bike 10 cal
10 Box Jumps, 24"
100' Walking Lunges
2 sets of:
10 reps for all exercises
DB Front Raise
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