Saturday, February 27, 2016

Warm Up: Stretch Hips and Front Rack Position for 5 min
A. 10 min Aerobic Warm Up (Run,Bike,Row, Jump Rope)
B. Power Clean: 4 x 3, R 2:00 min b/w sets *From ground
C. Front Squat: 2 reps EMOM x 5 (230#)
D1. Bench Press w/ Chains: 3 x 3, R :45 *175# plus chains
D2. DB Reverse Flys: 3 x 6, R 1:00 *12#
E. Barbell Circuit: 3 x 5/each (20# on both sides) *minimal rest b/w sets
. Front Raise, Behind the Neck Press, Upright Row

Crossover Symmetry Activation Protocol
Burgener Barbell Warm Up
A. Hang Power Snatch: 4 x 2, R 2:00j *reminder to push hips/butt backwards so chest is over bar as it goes down thigh; DON'T squat it down
B1. Pendlay Row: 3 x 6 (155#), R :45
B2. GH Torture Twist: 3 x 10/side, R :45
B3. GH Raises: 3 x 5, R 1:30
Class Metcon (28 min EMOM)
1st - 10 OHS, weight you can do unbroken
2nd - 30 sec Double Unders, practice no scaling version
3rd - 7 Burpees w/ max height

4th -30 sec row
Only did 2 day this week because of low back tightness.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Warm Up: Stretch Hips and Front Rack Position for 10 min
A. Row 600m x 3 w/ 3:00 rest b/w sets @ consistent pace
B. Hang Squat Clean: 4 x 1, R 2-3 min b/w sets *go heavy as possible

C. Front Squat: 3 reps EMOM x 5 (215#)
Up down down up 
D1. Bench Press w/ Chains: 3 x 3, R :45 *165# plus chains

Nothing like chains hit the floor 
D2. DB Reverse Flys: 3 x 8, R 1:00 *10# db again since you had to do it last week

E. Barbell Circuit: 3 x 7/each (15# on both sides) *minimal rest b/w sets

The front raise were not fun the last round 
. Front Raise, Behind the Neck Press, Upright Row

Crossover Symmetry Activation Protocol
Burgener Barbell Warm Up
A. Hang Power Snatch: 4 x 3, R 2-3:00  


B1. Pendlay Row: 3 x 8 (145#), R :45
B2. 3 Direction Ab Wheel: 3 x 6/each, R :45 (straight, right, left) *let's try the left and right thing again and see if it gets better  

Better than last week but not great
B3. GH Raises: 3 x 6, R 1:30
12 min EMOM
1st: 12 Ring Rows, tough
2nd: 10 Ring Push Ups
3rd: 10 Weighted V-Ups (6# medball)  

Warm Up: Practice Double Unders for 5-7 min
A. Back Squat: 4 x 4 (275# across), R 2:00  

Up down down up 

B. Barbell Curl 21's: 3 sets *10's + 2.5's on each side

Arms on firer

C1. Farmer's Carry: 3 x 100', R :45 *heavier than 100#  

Bar, 2 x45, and 2 ×15 on each one.
C2. Single Arm Landmine Rows: 3 x 8/arm, R :45

Bar and 45 one time was getting away had to rush
C3. Weighted Back Extensions: 3 x 15, R :45 *25# again
C4. Mountain Climbers: 3 x 15/leg, R :45
Yes yes to mountain climbers have never been said
Bike Sprints: ALL OUT for 17 cal; Rest 4 min and repeat

Thursday ( Didn't happen)
Warm Up: Pistol Practice (stand on box and heel to ground) 3 x 6/leg
Run 3 x 1:15 sec @ consistent effort, R :30 b/w sets
Tabata Everything (:20 work/:10 rest x 8 sets each)
* no extra rest b/w movements, do all 8 sets of each mov't before going to next exerise; 32 total sets
Bench Dips
Single Leg Lateral Line Hops (jump laterally over and back over line in floor) :20 sec per leg, alternate each round
GH Sit Ups @ controlled pace, don't go too fast with these
DB Shoulder Press, 25#

Friday: Classic CrossFit Day
Warm Up: 10 min Aerobic Warm Up (get sweaty)
Practice Double Unders, Kipping Technique (pull ups, chest to bar pu, belly button to bar pu, hips to bar pu), Try to get a Bar Muscle Up
You get to choose between these two workouts.
Option 1 "Jack"
Max Rounds in 20 min
10 Push Press, 115#
10 KB Swings, 53#
10 Box Jumps, 24"


Option 2 "Jason"
For Time
100 Back Squats (45#)
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
75 Squats
10 CTB Pull Ups
50 Squats
15 CTB Pull Ups
25 Squats
20 CTB Pull Ups  

Did Jason took 23 minutes . Maybe should done Jack because it was 3 minutes

Friday, February 12, 2016

Warm Up: PVC Shouler Warm Up, Wrist Mobility, Roll Legs and Hips on Foam Roller
A. Row 750m x 3 w/ 3:00 rest b/w sets @ consistent pace
Row row row your boat 
B. Hang Squat Clean: 4 x 2, R 2-3 min b/w sets *build to tough double unbroken

A ugly 145lbs 
C. Front Squat: 3 reps EMOM x 6 (200#) up down down up
D1. Bench Press w/ Chains: 3 x 4, R :45 *heavier than last week

145lbs plus 2 chains 
D2. DB Reverse Flys: 3 x 8, R 1:00 *5# db/hand w/ 2 sec hold at top of each rep (lay on bench face down and thumbs up to sky)
Done with 10 because 5 were being used 
E. Barbell Circuit: 3 x 8/each (start w/ just barbell, add weight if want) *minimal rest b/w sets

. Front Raise, Behind the Neck Press, Upright Row
Add 10lbs on both sides 
Crossover Symmetry Activation Protocol
Burgener Barbell Warm Up
A. Hang Power Snatch: 4 x 4, R 2-3:00 b/w (wider grip, make sure you don’t muscle it up)
B1. Pendlay Row: 3 x 10 (135#), R :45

B2. 3 Direction Ab Wheel: 3 x 6/each, R :45 (straight, right, left)

Going left and right was not that good 
B3. GH Raises: 3 x 6, R 1:30
12 min EMOM
1st: 12 Russian KB Swings 53lbs
2nd: 20 Split Squat Jumps hurt 
3rd: 8 Clapping Push Ups

Warm Up: T-Spine Mobility w/ Foam Roller and Lacrosse Ball
A. Back Squat: 4 x 5 (255# across), R 2:00 Up down up down 
B. Barbell Curl 21's: 3 sets *heavier than last week

Add 10lbs on both sides and arms were on  firer
C1. Farmer's Carry: 3 x 150', Heavy as possible, R :45

Not sure what black poles weight is but had 100lbs on both  
C2. Landmine Rows: 3 x 8, R :45 *heavier than last week

Had 3(45) on it 
C3. Weighted Back Extensions: 3 x 15, R :45 25lbs
C4. Crunchy Frogs: 3 x 10, R :45
Bike Sprints: ALL OUT for 15 cal; Rest 4 min and repeat

Warm Up
Run 4 x 200m @ consistent effort, R :30 b/w sets
I don't think running likes me or is it other way I don't like running 
Tabata Everything (:20 work/:10 rest x 8 sets each)
* no extra rest b/w movements, do all 8 sets of each mov't before going to next exerise; 32 total sets
Back Squat w/ Empty Barbell (rest with bar on back)
Sit Ups w/ Medball toss to wall
Push Ups w/ Weight Vest on
Not fun
Walking Lunges w/ Weight Vest on not fun
Core Work
I want a solid 5-10 min of core work. You choose exercise and rest as needed but not too much.

Friday: Classic CrossFit Day
Warm Up: 10 min Aerobic Warm Up (get sweaty)
Practice Double Unders, Kipping Technique (pull ups, chest to bar pu, belly button to bar pu, hips to bar pu), Try to get a Bar Muscle Up
For Time: (7:31)
KB Deadlifts, 70#/hand
DB Shoulder Press, 55#/hand

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Warm Up: PVC Shouler Warm Up, Wrist Mobility, Roll Legs and Hips on Foam Roller
A. Row 1000m x 2 w/ 3:00 rest b/w sets @ consistent pace
B. Hang Squat Clean: 4 x 3, R 2-3 min b/w sets *build to tough triple unbroken
C. Front Squat: 2 reps EMOM x 7 (205#)
D1. Bench Press w/ Chains: 3 x 5, R :45 *I'll let you choose weight this week since this is new w/ chains (note chains weigh 20# each)
D2. DB Chest Flys: 3 x 12, R 1:00
E. Barbell Circuit: 3 x 8/each (start w/ just barbell, add weight if want) *minimal rest b/w sets
. Front Raise, Behind the Neck Press, Upright Row
Made it very late discuss class work out
Crossover Symmetry Activation Protocol
Burgener Barbell Warm Up
A. Hang Power Snatch: 4 x 5, R 2-3:00 b/w (wider grip, make sure you don’t muscle it up)

B1. Pendlay Row: 3 x 12 (115#), R :45
B2. Bar Roll Outs or Ab Wheel: 3 x 15, R :45
B3. GH Raises: 3 x 6, R 1:30
12 min EMOM
1st: Run to fence and back
2nd: 40 sec Jump Rope
3rd: 5 Burpees w/ Max Height Jumps
So fun
Warm Up: T-Spine Mobility w/ Foam Roller and Lacrosse Ball
A. Back Squat: 4 x 6 (245# across), R 2:00 Down up 
B. Barbell Curl 21's: 4 sets *heavier than last week

add 10lbs to bar
C1. Farmer's Carry: 3 x 100', Heavy as possible, R :45
C2. Landmine Rows: 3 x 10, R :45 *heavier than last week
C3. Back Extensions: 3 x 8, R :45 (hold 2 seconds at top of each rep)
C4. Crunchy Frogs: 3 x 10, R :45
Bike Intervals: 3 x 20 calories @ High Effort, R 2:00 b/w sets (screen will read 2.0 cal when you have reached 20 cals)

Warm Up
Run 4 x 200m @ consistent effort, R :45 b/w sets
Tabata Everything (:20 work/:10 rest x 8 sets each)
* no extra rest b/w movements, do all 8 sets of each mov't before going to next exerise; 32 total sets
Air Squats
Sit Ups
Push Ups
Split Squat Jumps

So fun
DB External Rotation: 3 x 15/arm (15#), R :45
DB Powell Raise: 3 x 15/arm (15#), R :45

Friday: Classic CrossFit Day

Did not make it to gym
Warm Up: 10 min Aerobic Warm Up (get sweaty)
Practice Cleans & Ring Dips
For Time
Power Cleans, 135#
Ring Dips