Thursday, August 27, 2015

Monday: Chest & Back + Conditioning/Core
Warm Up: 25 reps of each movement w/ red band (chest band pull aparts, oh band pull aparts, behind back squeezes)
A1. Bench Press: 8 x 8 , R :20 (170# for all sets)  No problems

A2. One Arm DB Pulls: 8 x 8, R 1:00  
Did it with the falling apart 45lbs DB
B1. Ring Push Ups: 4 x 6-8 unbroken *hold 2 seconds in bottom each rep, R :20  
Did 7 at first but by end it was 6. 2second holds were notified fun
B2. Chin Ups: 4 x 5, R 1:00  
No problem
C1. Barbell Curls: 5 x 8, R :20 (moderate to heavy weight)  
Started with 95lbs but could only get 5 good reputation better make that 4.5 on reputation drop down to 85 and got 6 reps each time
C2. Banded Tricep Pulldowns: 5 x 15, R :40 (green band)  
No problem
1 min of:
Sledge Hammer swings to tire **Switch hands every :30 sec
Rest 1 min
x 4  
This was something fun. (Not really)

Tuesday: Legs
Warm Up: Dynamic and 5-10 min of what you want for soft tissue work
A1. Back Squat: 5 x 3,5,7,9,11 (305#, 295#, 285#, 240#, 200#, 165#), R :45  
Went down went up
A2. Kneeling Jump to Feet: 5 x 3, R :45  
Started rough Lol
A3. GHD Sit Ups: 5 x 6-8, R :45
A4. Glute Bridge w/ feet on blue exercise ball (knees bent): 5 x 8, R :45
A5. Row 1 min @ easy effort, R :45

Wednesday: Back & Shoulders + Conditioning/Core
A1. 3 Grip Pull Ups: 10 x 3/each, R :20 
Getting up there
A2. Half Kneeling Single Arm Press: 10 x 5/side @30X3, R :40 (knee that is down and arm that is pressing are on the same side of body)  
B1. Back Extensions: 5 x 10 @30X1, R :20 *add weight  
B2. 3 Grip Barbell Shrugs: 5 x 3/each (heavier than last week) (snatch grip, clean grip, close grip), R :40  
220lbs snatch grip was not fun, clean grip a little better than snatch grip, close grip not issues
4 Rounds For Time:
Run 200m
12 Med Ball Sit Up Tosses to Wall, 10#
8 Burpees
ONE Week am make it to this part of workout Lol
Thursday: Legs
24 min EMOM
1st - 2 Front Squats @ 215# ( slipped out hand one round but other than that it went down and back up)
2nd - 8 DB Push Press, heavy (55lbs got rough but I made it)
3rd - 8 KB Squat Cleans, 53# (might have done those right Lol)
RAN (rest as needed)
Sled Push w/ 90# on top: :15 ALL OUT x 6 , Rest 1:15 (all am say is that a 7th round would requested CPR)
10 min easy cool down (static stretches: sit on floor and grab feet w/ legs straight, wide legs and reach between, etc...)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Monday: Chest & Back + Conditioning/Core
Warm Up: 25 reps of each movement w/ red band (chest band pull aparts, oh band pull aparts, behind back squeezes)
A1. Incline Bench Press: 8 x 8 , R :20 (160# for all sets)
A2. Incline Lying Reverse DB Pulls: 8 x 8 @40X1, R 1:00 (35# db all sets)
B1. Push Ups: 4 x 12-15 unbroken *add weight to back, R :20  45lbs on back 12 reps, 3rd and 4th round get tough at rep 8
B2. Pull Ups: 4 x 5, R 1:00
C1. Barbell Curls: 5 x 5, R :20 (moderate to heavy weight) 80lbs
C2. Standing OH Tricep Ext: 5 x 5, R :40 (heavy)    55lbs
2 min Max Jump Rope
rest 1 min

2 min Max Wall Ball, 30#
rest 1 min
2 min Max Burpee
I did 3 rounds of 2 minute jump ropes 

Tuesday: Legs
Warm Up: Dynamic and 5-10 min of what you want for soft tissue work
A1. Back Squat: 5 x 6,8,10,12,15 @ 30X1, R :45, (295#, 280#, 240#, 200#, 165#)  
1st round of 295 put it on me but I got all 6
2nd round of 280 was a little better
3rd round of 240 got rough at 8 1/5
4 and 5 was just a mind thing

A2. Box Jumps: 5 x 8, R 1:30 (24" box)
A3. Bar on Back Reverse Lunges: 5 x 5/leg, R :45 (135-155#)  135lbs

A4. Shoulders Elevated Glute Bridge: 5 x 8 @30X3, R :45 (same bar as lunges) 135lbs
A5. Bike 1 min @ easy effort, R :45

Wednesday: Back & Shoulders + Conditioning/Core
A1. 3 Grip Pull Ups: 10 x 4/each (wide grip, normal grip, close grip supinated), R :20
A2. DB Z-Press: 10 x 5 @30X3, R :40 (30-35#) 35lbs
B1. Back Extensions: 5 x 10 @30X1, R :20 *add weight 45lbs  

B2. 3 Grip Barbell Shrugs: 5 x 5/each (heavier than last week) (snatch grip, clean grip, close grip), R :40 210 lbs snatch was a fight but I got it
4 sets of:
Bike 25 Cal, hard
15 Med Ball Sit Ups (keep arms straight the whole time
 Was almost 8 and I didn't eat enough cal so I skipped 25 Cal row. Did situp 50 at home with 20lbs kb, 50 side to side toe touchs, and 50 leg raises.

Thursday: Did class workout and got butt kicked by burpees.Cardio Cardio Got finished with round 21 and 15. But my 275 back squat looked good. Lol Thought I had tops until I saw Chris did 315.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Monday: Chest & Back + Conditioning/Core
Warm Up: 50 reps of each movement w/ red band (chest band pull aparts, oh band pull aparts, behind back squeezes)
A1. Incline Bench Press: 10 x 10 , R :20 (145# for all sets)
A2. Incline Lying Reverse DB Pulls: 10 x 10 @40X1, R 1:00 (30# db all sets)
B1. Push Ups: 4 x 17 unbroken (took the average of last week so this should be do-able), R :20
B2. Pull Ups: 4 x 5, R 1:00
C1. Hammer Curls: 10 x 5, R :20 (30# all sets)
C2. Standing OH Tricep Ext: 10 x 5, R :40 (55# all sets)
Bike :45 sec @ moderate to tough effort
:30 sec GH Hollow Hold (lie face up on GHD machine and hold straight out)
Bike :45 sec @ moderate to tough effort
25 Feet Anchored Sit Ups (anchor feet with heavy db's)
Bike :45 sec @ moderate to tough effort
25 MB Russian Twist w/ feet in air (use 12# hard yellow ball)

Tuesday: Legs
Warm Up: Run easy for 3 minutes, then 3 sets at own pace of 15 PVC OH Squats & 5 GHD Sit Ups
A1. Back Squat: 5 x 6,8,10,12,15 @ 30X1, R :45, (285#, 275#, 235#, 195#, 155#)
A2. Box Jumps: 5 x 10, R 1:30 (24" box)  

A3. Front Rack Reverse Lunges: 5 x 6/leg, R :45 (135-155# go off feel)  135 was worst part of workout

A4. Shoulders Elevated Glute Bridge: 5 x 10 @30X3, R :45 (115#) I did 135 didn't feel like loading another bar
A5. Bike 1 min @ easy effort, R :45

Wednesday: Back & Shoulders + Conditioning/Core
A1. 3 Grip Pull Ups: 10 x 3/each (wide grip, normal grip, close grip supinated), R :20
A2. DB Z-Press: 10 x 5 @30X3, R :40 (25-30#) I did 30
B1. Back Extensions: 5 x 10 @30X1, R :20
B2. 3 Grip Barbell Shrugs: 5 x 5/each (snatch grip, clean grip, close grip), R :40


4 sets of:
Row 3 minutes
20 Anchored Sit Ups (place feet under heavy db handle)

Thursday: Legs
24 min EMOM
1st - 2 Front Squats @ 205#
2nd - 10 Depth Jumps (stand on 24" box drop off side and as soon as you land jump back up as high as you can and land back on floor) Jumps had me feeling some kind of way
RAN (rest as needed)
10 min EMOM
1st - 10 steps Walking Lunges (db by side - moderate to heavy weight)
2nd - 15 Goblet Squats, 35#
10 min easy cool down (static stretches: sit on floor and grab feet w/ legs straight, wide legs and reach between, etc...)

Friday, August 7, 2015

AM: Chest & Back + Conditioning/Core
Warm Up: 50 reps of each movement w/ red band (chest band pull aparts, oh band pull aparts, behind back squeezes)
A1. Incline Bench Press: 10 x 10 , R :20 (same weight for all sets, should get challenging in later sets and if can't do 10 reps then just do as many as you can for that set) 185lbs x2 135lbs×8
A2. Incline Lying Reverse DB Pulls: 10 x 10 @40X1, R :40 (same weight for all sets; lie on stomach and perform rows with db's) 25×10
B1. Push Ups: 5 x AMRAP unbroken (minimum 10 reps/set), R :20 (go to failure each set) 20,20,18,15,20
B2. Pull Ups: 5 x AMRAP unbroken (minimum 5 reps/set), R :40 (go to failure each set) 6x5
Bike 1 min @ moderate to tough effort
:30 sec GH Hollow Hold (lie face up on GHD machine and hold straight out)
Bike 1 min @ moderate to tough effort
25 Feet Anchored Sit Ups (anchor feet with heavy db's)
Bike 1 min @ moderate to tough effort
25 MB Russian Twist w/ feet in air (use 12# hard yellow ball)

PM: Bi's & Tri's + Core
Warm Up: Crossover Symmetry (activation part only)
A1. Hammer Curls: 10 x 10, R :20 (same weight for all sets) 25 lbs x10
A2. Standing OH Tricep Extensions: 10 x 10, R :40 (one db behind head; same weight for all sets) 45lbs×10
B1. Seated Barbell Curls: 10 x 10, R :20 (sit on end of bench or box and place elbows on knees; same weight for all sets) 65 lbs x 10 (last 2 set barely got to 8)
B2. Skull Crushers: 10 x 10, R :40 (lay on bench, keep elbows as close together as possible and bring bar behind head; extend only using triceps don't use chest or shoulders to press it off you; same weight for all sets) 55 lbs x10
1:00 Front Plank
:30 sec Side Plank/side
1:00 Push Up Hold (hold the top of a push up position; aka High Plank)
:30 sec Side Bends/side, 70#

Tuesday: Legs
Warm Up: Run easy for 3 minutes, then 3 sets at own pace of 15 PVC OH Squats & 10 steps Walking Lunges
A1. Back Squat: 5 x 6,8,10,12,15 @ 30X3, R :45, (first set is 6 reps, second set is 8 reps and weight gets lighter, third set is 10 reps and weight goes down more, etc…)  
275 lbs,265 lbs,225lbs ,185 lbs,145 lbs

A2. Box Jumps: 5 x 10, R :45 (24" box)
A3. Front Rack Reverse Lunges: 5 x 6/leg, R :45 (same weight all sets) 135 lbs
A4. Shoulders Elevated Glute Bridge: 5 x 10 @30X3, R :45 (place bar across hips during exercise, press through heels and squeeze glutes at the top) 95lbs
A5. Bike 1 min @ easy effort, R :45

Wednesday: Back & Shoulders + Conditioning/Core
A1. RDL: 10 x 5 @ 32X1, R :20 (keep back flat and press hips back; don't let bar go below knees; Down for 3 seconds, hold at knee for 2 seconds and explode up each rep) 135 lbs (You already know I don't like deadlift at all )

A2. DB Z-Press: 10 x 5 @30X3, R :40 (sit on floor with legs straight out in front of you) 25 lbs
B1. Back Extensions: 5 x 10 @30X1, R :20
B2. Pull Up Negatives: 5 x :10 sec hold each set for max load, R :40 (add as much weight to body as you can to make this :10 as hard as possible each set) (Did them but you might not want to program often because I would be lieing if I said I was going to keep doing them)
Row 20 minutes
*Every 2 minutes get off rower and perform FLR on Rings for :30 seconds

Thursday: Legs
24 min EMOM
1st - 3 Front Squats @ 185#
2nd - 10 Split Squat Jumps
RAN (rest as needed)
10 min EMOM
1st - 8 RFE Split Squats w/ db by side, barefoot (You can keep them too)
2nd - 6 Goblet Squats, 70#
10 min easy cool down (walk/bike/row)