Warm Up: 25 reps of each movement w/ red band (chest band pull aparts, oh band pull aparts, behind back squeezes)
A1. Incline Bench Press: 8 x 8 , R :20 (160# for all sets)
A2. Incline Lying Reverse DB Pulls: 8 x 8 @40X1, R 1:00 (35# db all sets)
B1. Push Ups: 4 x 12-15 unbroken *add weight to back, R :20 45lbs on back 12 reps, 3rd and 4th round get tough at rep 8
B2. Pull Ups: 4 x 5, R 1:00
C1. Barbell Curls: 5 x 5, R :20 (moderate to heavy weight) 80lbs
C2. Standing OH Tricep Ext: 5 x 5, R :40 (heavy) 55lbs
2 min Max Jump Rope
rest 1 min
2 min Max Wall Ball, 30#
rest 1 min
2 min Max Burpee
I did 3 rounds of 2 minute jump ropes
Tuesday: Legs
Warm Up: Dynamic and 5-10 min of what you want for soft tissue work
A1. Back Squat: 5 x 6,8,10,12,15 @ 30X1, R :45, (295#, 280#, 240#, 200#, 165#)
1st round of 295 put it on me but I got all 6
2nd round of 280 was a little better
3rd round of 240 got rough at 8 1/5
4 and 5 was just a mind thing
A2. Box Jumps: 5 x 8, R 1:30 (24" box)
A3. Bar on Back Reverse Lunges: 5 x 5/leg, R :45 (135-155#) 135lbs
A4. Shoulders Elevated Glute Bridge: 5 x 8 @30X3, R :45 (same bar as lunges) 135lbs
A5. Bike 1 min @ easy effort, R :45
Wednesday: Back & Shoulders + Conditioning/Core
A1. 3 Grip Pull Ups: 10 x 4/each (wide grip, normal grip, close grip supinated), R :20
A2. DB Z-Press: 10 x 5 @30X3, R :40 (30-35#) 35lbs
B1. Back Extensions: 5 x 10 @30X1, R :20 *add weight 45lbs
B2. 3 Grip Barbell Shrugs: 5 x 5/each (heavier than last week) (snatch grip, clean grip, close grip), R :40 210 lbs snatch was a fight but I got it
4 sets of:
Bike 25 Cal, hard
15 Med Ball Sit Ups (keep arms straight the whole time
Was almost 8 and I didn't eat enough cal so I skipped 25 Cal row. Did situp 50 at home with 20lbs kb, 50 side to side toe touchs, and 50 leg raises.
Thursday: Did class workout and got butt kicked by burpees.Cardio Cardio Got finished with round 21 and 15. But my 275 back squat looked good. Lol Thought I had tops until I saw Chris did 315.
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