Saturday, January 2, 2016

Monday: Row + CP Battery + FSQ + UB Press/Shoulder Prehab
Warm Up: PVC Shouler Warm Up, Wrist Mobility, Roll Legs and Hips on Foam Roller
A. Row Intervals: 5 x 300m @ 1:47 pace, R 1:00 b/w sets
B. 3 Position Cleans: Build to a tough set in 10 min (do a clean from your hips, from your knee, from the floor = 1 successful set, bar never touches ground during those 3) 135lbs power not that good
C. Front Squat: 3/min x 7 @ 205#

Glad it was not 10 or 12 set
D1. Floor Press: 3 x 6, R :45
D2. DB External Rotation: 3 x 8/arm, R :45 20lbs
D3. Powell Raise: 3 x 8/arm, R :45 20lbs

Tuesday: EMOM Strength + UB Hypertrophy + Cyclical Cool Down
Warm Up: Bike 3 min + Couch Stretch on Wall (2min) + Sumo Squat (hold :30 sec in bottom) 2-3x
Crossover Symmetry Activation Protocol
15 min EMOM
1st: 20 sec Ring Support Hold (focus on external rotation; elbows close to ribs and palms forward)
2nd: 8 Pendlay Rows (95#)
3rd: 8 Burpees over Bar getting better on this
Accumulate 50 reps of each movement
Push Ups I could tell I don't do much of them
Bench Dips
Did bar dip by mistake

Weighted Sit Ups w/ MB 20lbs ball
Bike 5 min as Cool Down

Wednesday: OH Power + Positions + CP Battery + SL/UB Press/Bending/Jumping + Cool Down
Warm Up: KB Windmills, KB Arm Bars (5/side each x 3)
A. Back Squat: 4 x 6 @ 285#, R 2:00 Was not feeling it today be pushed on
B. Snatch Grip Power Shrugs: 4 x 4 @135#, R 1:30
Made it
C1. DB Walking Lunge: 4 x 50', R :45
C2. DB Bench Press: 4 x 8, R :45 55lbs
C3. Back Extensions: 4 x 10, R :45 (hold 2 seconds at top of each rep)
C4. Hollow Body Rocks: 4 x :20 sec, R :45
Crossover Symmertry Recovery Protocol

New Years Eve

Friday (optional)
8 min AMRAP @ consistent effort
Row 250m
6 Burpees over Erg
:15 sec Wall Facing HS Hold
rest 4 min
8 min AMRAP @ consistent effort
Run 200m (bike 1 min if raining)
15 Russian KB Swings, 70#
7 Double Unders (just get these done, no scaling allowed)
2 sets of:
10 reps for all exercises
DB Front Raise
DB Lateral Raise
DB External Rotation
DB Powell Raise
Scap Push Ups
Scap Pull Ups

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