Saturday, November 21, 2015


A1. Box Squats: 4 x 5 (240-250#), R :45 sec 245lbs still rocked up a little 
A2. Russian Medball Twist Toss to Wall: 4 x 12/side, R :45 sec Got better at doing as I went along
A3. Bike ALL OUT for :15 sec, R :45 sec (on new bike) I feel the same way about this bike as I felt about old bike
A4. Hollow Body Holds: 4 x :20 sec, R :45 sec

Everybody everybody get you hold on
A5. Arch Body Holds: 4 x :20 sec, R 1:30 Superman up up and away 
Lower Body Stretch for 10 minutes

A. Bench: Build to 1RM in <15 min
Got 300lbs  95% of way up could not lock out right arm
B1. One Arm DB Pulls: 3 x 6/arm (75# db), R 1:00

Lawnmower stands no chance next summer 
B2. DB Incline Bench: 3 x 12, R :45 (45# db)
Up down up
C1. DB Curls: 3 x 15, R :45 (45# db)

Curls for the girls I mean Curls for Sarah 
C2. Banded Push Ups: 3 x 8-10, R :45 (red or blue band)

Push Ups with red band
For Time:
Row 300m @ 1:45 pace
10 Toes To Bar
20 Pull Ups
Row 600m @ 1:48-1:50 pace
10 Pull Ups
20 Toes To Bar
Row 300m @ ALL OUT Pace This was very very rough 

Do Snatch Work with Class
A1. Box Hurdle Jumps w/ PVC Pipe: 4 x 6 @ 36-39", R :30 **Stack two boxes on 30" w/ 2-3 45# plates on each box and then lay pvc pipe on top of the plates. Jump over pvc pipe. Can use an approach step if needed
After 30 minutes I was finally able to get out of my mind and jump over PVC  pipe
A2. Single Arm DB Snatch: 4 x 5/arm, R :45

A3. Chin over Bar Hold: 4 x :20 sec, R 1:30 20 seconds seemed like forever 


Didn't make it had to get haircut for trip to Atlanta  (Sarah Brithday Weekend)
Saturday Hotel workout

DB bench press 50,45,40,35,30,25,20,15,10,5. 10 reps of each

30 Jumping Jacks
5 pushup
25 High Knees 
7 burpees 
10 crunches 
7 squats
5 pushup
10 crunches
5 push ups
7 squats
30 Jumping Jacks 
1 minute wallsits (hurt like hell)
5 push ups
25 High Knees 

3 rounds with 2 minute rest between rounds

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