Thursday, November 5, 2015

A1. Box Squats: 4 x 7 (225# again), *Use brown box, R :45 sec

I sat on the box I stood up I repeat for 28 more times

A2. Wtd. Sit Ups: 4 x 10, R :45 sec *Use large db and lay across chest as you do sit ups with arms crossed to hold weight

Did wrong first 4 set did over at end and could tell the difference 
A3. Bike ALL OUT for :15 sec, R :45 sec

I still wish someone would break this thing 
A4. Elevated Wtd. Glute Bridge: 4 x 10, R 1:30 (lay db across hips and shoulders on bench)  Did with 55lbs again 
Lower Body Stretch for 10 minutes

A1. Bench: 4 x 1, R :20 (280#) *use a spotter

I need to work on being more stable pushing it back up  
A2. One Arm DB Pulls: 4 x 6/arm (75# db), R 1:00
B1. DB Incline Bench: 3 x 12, R :45 (55# db)
B2. DB Curls: 3 x 15, R :45 (35# db)
B3. Banded Push Ups: 3 x 8-10, R :45 (red or blue band)
For Time:
Row 500m @ 1:50 pace
15 Russian KB Swings, 88#
20 Wall Balls, 20#
Row 250m @ 1:45 pace
6:50 legs didn't like this 1. Around round would have been a bear.

Did class workout, box jumps, and hangs.

A1. Box Jumps: 4 x 12 @ 30", R :30
A2. DB Burpee Thrusters: 4 x 6 (25#/hand), R :30 *Hold handles on ground, do burpee, kick feet back up to db and then do thruster
A3. Active Hang from Pull Up Bar: 4 x :30 sec, R 1:30 *Think about pulling shoulder blades down and squeezing the entire time
Do Class Metcon

I was running late getting home from work so I take a Cincinnati Bengals playing tonight day off. 8-0 with the Monday night game next week and the Sunday night the week after that. Great time to be a Bengals Fan

A1. Front Squat: 3 x 5, R :45 sec **Let's work on that front rack position to get better (weight should be moderate)
A2. Kipping Pull Ups: 3 x 5-8, R :45 sec (really focus on a good kip and getting chin over the bar each time)
A3. Ring Dips: 3 x 5-8, R :45 sec (can kip these too if you know how)
A4. Back Extensions: 3 x 10, R :45 sec
Bike 10 cal
20 Alt Box Step Ups (no weight just body)
15 V-Ups

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