Saturday, November 28, 2015

Monday Miss this one was on way back from Atlanta 
A1. Box Squats: 3 x 8 (205#), R :45 sec **Sit 3 seconds on box each rep and explode up as fast as possible, keeping core tight
A2. Russian Medball Twist Toss to Wall: 4 x 15/side, R :45 sec **8lb medball
A3. Bike ALL OUT for :18 sec, R :45 sec (on new bike)
A4. Hollow Body Holds: 4 x :20 sec, R :45 sec
A5. Arch Body Holds: 4 x :20 sec, R 1:30
Lower Body Stretch for 10 minutes

A. Bench: Build to a tough 5RM in <10 min 235 lbs
B. Bench: 4 x 7 @ 75% of part "A", R 3:00 175lbs 
For Time:
10-20-30-20-10 = Sit Ups
30-20-10-20-30 = Russian KB Swings, 62#
50-50-50-50-50 = Jump Rope Singles
**So do 10 sit ups, 30 kbs, 50 jump rope, 20 sit ups, 20 kbs, 50 jump rope, etc…

10 minutes 
100 Banded Tricep Pulldowns Those hurt a little bit 
100 Curls/per arm, 25-30# db

A. Overhead Squats: 5 x 3 (keep this light/moderate weight and PERFECT technique) 135 for some reason I seem to be getting better at doing this
Do 3 Position Snatch Work from Class

I could 165 up to neck but had trouble getting under it. Am techniquely challenge lol
A. PVC Box Jumps: Build to the highest you can jump over; allowed to have an approach, doesn't have to be standing vertical

Started off good end bad. Got out jumped by Jay smh. Lol

B1. Legless Rope Climb: As high as possible each time, 4 sets
B2. Chin over Bar Hold: 4 x :20 sec, R 1:30


Friday (can workout if you want but optional since yesterday was a holiday)

5 sets of:
60 sec Bike @ 80% effort
60 sec Rest
60 sec Burpees
60 sec Rest
30 sec Pull Ups + 30 sec Toes to Bar
60 sec Rest
60 sec Box Jumps, step down
60 sec Rest

Saturday, November 21, 2015


A1. Box Squats: 4 x 5 (240-250#), R :45 sec 245lbs still rocked up a little 
A2. Russian Medball Twist Toss to Wall: 4 x 12/side, R :45 sec Got better at doing as I went along
A3. Bike ALL OUT for :15 sec, R :45 sec (on new bike) I feel the same way about this bike as I felt about old bike
A4. Hollow Body Holds: 4 x :20 sec, R :45 sec

Everybody everybody get you hold on
A5. Arch Body Holds: 4 x :20 sec, R 1:30 Superman up up and away 
Lower Body Stretch for 10 minutes

A. Bench: Build to 1RM in <15 min
Got 300lbs  95% of way up could not lock out right arm
B1. One Arm DB Pulls: 3 x 6/arm (75# db), R 1:00

Lawnmower stands no chance next summer 
B2. DB Incline Bench: 3 x 12, R :45 (45# db)
Up down up
C1. DB Curls: 3 x 15, R :45 (45# db)

Curls for the girls I mean Curls for Sarah 
C2. Banded Push Ups: 3 x 8-10, R :45 (red or blue band)

Push Ups with red band
For Time:
Row 300m @ 1:45 pace
10 Toes To Bar
20 Pull Ups
Row 600m @ 1:48-1:50 pace
10 Pull Ups
20 Toes To Bar
Row 300m @ ALL OUT Pace This was very very rough 

Do Snatch Work with Class
A1. Box Hurdle Jumps w/ PVC Pipe: 4 x 6 @ 36-39", R :30 **Stack two boxes on 30" w/ 2-3 45# plates on each box and then lay pvc pipe on top of the plates. Jump over pvc pipe. Can use an approach step if needed
After 30 minutes I was finally able to get out of my mind and jump over PVC  pipe
A2. Single Arm DB Snatch: 4 x 5/arm, R :45

A3. Chin over Bar Hold: 4 x :20 sec, R 1:30 20 seconds seemed like forever 


Didn't make it had to get haircut for trip to Atlanta  (Sarah Brithday Weekend)
Saturday Hotel workout

DB bench press 50,45,40,35,30,25,20,15,10,5. 10 reps of each

30 Jumping Jacks
5 pushup
25 High Knees 
7 burpees 
10 crunches 
7 squats
5 pushup
10 crunches
5 push ups
7 squats
30 Jumping Jacks 
1 minute wallsits (hurt like hell)
5 push ups
25 High Knees 

3 rounds with 2 minute rest between rounds

Thursday, November 12, 2015

A1. Box Squats: 4 x 6 (235-245#), Focus on keeping core tight and being explosive off box, R :45 sec

Done with 235 sit on box not fun but better than deadlifts

A2. Reverse Banded Sit Ups: 4 x 15, *Use blue band and hook about hip height to rig post. Face rig holding band in both hands, keep arms straight over head and pull band to ground behind head and then sit up.


A3. Bike ALL OUT for :10 sec, R :45 sec (I want to know what the highest number of watts the screen shows while doing this)

Really 6 new bikes smh

A4. Hollow Body Rocks: 4 x :30, R 1:30 *Keep low back pressed into ground the entire time while rocking back and forth

Lower Body Stretch for 10 minutes

Should have done stretch but no I decided to do 21,15,9. It hurt but I finished

A1. Bench: 3 x 1, R :20 (290#) *use a spotter

Had the best spotter I could at 8:40am  on a Tuesday. 300 club come soon. Hopefully lol

A2. One Arm DB Pulls: 3 x 6/arm (75# db), R 1:00
But next summer I should be very good at getting the lawn mower to start

B1. DB Incline Bench: 3 x 10, R :45 (55# db)

They go up they go down

B2. DB Curls: 3 x 20, R :45 (35# db)

Curls for the girls

B3. Banded Push Ups: 3 x 8-10, R :45 (red or blue band)

For Time:
Row 250m @ 1:41 pace
10 Russian KB Swings, 97#
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 20"
Row 500m @ 1:50 pace

Not a fun group but done at 6:45

Do Snatch Work with Class 155
A1. Box Hurdle Jumps w/ PVC Pipe: 4 x 10 @ 36", R :30 **Stack two boxes on 30" w/ 2 45# plates on each box and then lay pvc pipe on top of the plates. Jump over pvc pipe. Can use an approach step if needed

This was hard than I thought  because of my mind getting in way

A2. DB Burpee Thrusters: 4 x 5 (30#/hand), R :30 *Hold handles on ground, do burpee, kick feet back up to db and then do thruster

Anything with thrusters in it are not fun

A3. Active Hang from Pull Up Bar: 4 x :20 sec, R 1:30 *Think about pulling shoulder blades down and squeezing the entire time

My kind of workout it reminds me way I come to the gym. TO HANG OUT

A1. Front Squat: 3 x 4, R :45 sec **Heavier than last week by 5-10%

COULD I have not done this in a few weeks 205
A2. Kipping Pull Ups: 3 x 5-8, R :45 sec (really focus on a good kip and getting chin over the bar each time)

Kipping all the day long

A3. Ring Dips: 3 x 5-8, R :45 sec (can kip these too if you know how)

A4. Back Extensions: 3 x 20, R :45 sec

Did class Metcon 15min 15 walls shots / 15kettlebells 7 round +16. Lower back did like  this 5 at all
3 Rounds of:
Bike 15 cal @55-58 RPM's
20 Air Squats
15 Medball Sit Ups, 20#
rest 60 sec b/w rounds

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A1. Box Squats: 4 x 7 (225# again), *Use brown box, R :45 sec

I sat on the box I stood up I repeat for 28 more times

A2. Wtd. Sit Ups: 4 x 10, R :45 sec *Use large db and lay across chest as you do sit ups with arms crossed to hold weight

Did wrong first 4 set did over at end and could tell the difference 
A3. Bike ALL OUT for :15 sec, R :45 sec

I still wish someone would break this thing 
A4. Elevated Wtd. Glute Bridge: 4 x 10, R 1:30 (lay db across hips and shoulders on bench)  Did with 55lbs again 
Lower Body Stretch for 10 minutes

A1. Bench: 4 x 1, R :20 (280#) *use a spotter

I need to work on being more stable pushing it back up  
A2. One Arm DB Pulls: 4 x 6/arm (75# db), R 1:00
B1. DB Incline Bench: 3 x 12, R :45 (55# db)
B2. DB Curls: 3 x 15, R :45 (35# db)
B3. Banded Push Ups: 3 x 8-10, R :45 (red or blue band)
For Time:
Row 500m @ 1:50 pace
15 Russian KB Swings, 88#
20 Wall Balls, 20#
Row 250m @ 1:45 pace
6:50 legs didn't like this 1. Around round would have been a bear.

Did class workout, box jumps, and hangs.

A1. Box Jumps: 4 x 12 @ 30", R :30
A2. DB Burpee Thrusters: 4 x 6 (25#/hand), R :30 *Hold handles on ground, do burpee, kick feet back up to db and then do thruster
A3. Active Hang from Pull Up Bar: 4 x :30 sec, R 1:30 *Think about pulling shoulder blades down and squeezing the entire time
Do Class Metcon

I was running late getting home from work so I take a Cincinnati Bengals playing tonight day off. 8-0 with the Monday night game next week and the Sunday night the week after that. Great time to be a Bengals Fan

A1. Front Squat: 3 x 5, R :45 sec **Let's work on that front rack position to get better (weight should be moderate)
A2. Kipping Pull Ups: 3 x 5-8, R :45 sec (really focus on a good kip and getting chin over the bar each time)
A3. Ring Dips: 3 x 5-8, R :45 sec (can kip these too if you know how)
A4. Back Extensions: 3 x 10, R :45 sec
Bike 10 cal
20 Alt Box Step Ups (no weight just body)
15 V-Ups