Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Bike
1 set:
30 sec/side Forearm Smash- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R2y5RGS_zM
30 sec Active Hang from Pull-Up Bar- https://www.youtube.com/watch?
30 sec Tricep Smash on Barbell- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ820vKemCQ
A. Deadbug Roll- 8/side x 3, rest as needed https://youtu.be/h8Cs0KDcGIU
B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, 2-3 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **increase load 2-5%, no
more **note weights and reps achieved
225 lbs
B2. DB Hammer Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-
3 rounds for time:
30 Cal Bike
20 Wallball
**goal is same pace/round- record total time and split times if possible
Tuesday- MAP 10
15 min @ steady pace
Run 400m
7 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo
Bike 10 Cals
5/leg Crossover Step Downs, 20”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SjK_tFQbSM
5 Toes to Bar
Rest 5 min
15 min @ steady pace
Run 400m
7 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo
Bike 10 Cals
5/leg Crossover Step Downs, 20”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SjK_tFQbSM
5 Toes to Bar
Rest 5 min
15 min @ steady pace
Run 400m
7 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo
Bike 10 Cals
5/leg Crossover Step Downs, 20”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SjK_tFQbSM
5 Toes to Bar
***goal is same pace/round and NOT laid out on the ground after.
Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP
2 Row
2 sets not for time:
2 Wall Walks
20 sec Single Arm Front Plank/side- https://www.youtube.com/watch?
A1. Barbell Seated Z-Press @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 30 sec b/w arms-
**increase load as possible
A2. Suitcase Deadlift, @ 30X1, 8/arm x 4, rest 60 sec- try to increase load
**focus on not leaning to the side or rotating-
125 lbs
B1. Turkish Get Up, 3/arm x 4, rest as needed
B2. FLR on Rings, 35 sec x 4, rest as needed
Row 30 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 30 sec in straps x 4
**set rower up for 30 sec on 30 sec off interval- record distance for each
separate 30 sec.
**no holding back, go all out on each one
135/ 155 distance
136/ 153 distance
136/ 153 distance
137/ 152 distance
Thursday- MAP 7
10 min @ 80%
Bike 15 Cals
15 Thrusters 45#
5 CTB Pull-Ups (chest must make contact)
Rest 5 min
10 min @ 80%
Run 200m
20 Cossack Squats (10/side)
10 Inverted V-Ups- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImrP8ySGw34
Rest 5 min
10 min @ 80%
Row 250m
30 sec Double KB Front Rack KB Wall Squat Hold, 26#/H
10 Side Plank Arch Ups- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM2ExVkFAtU
( really don’t have much Entergy today)
Run 800m @ consistent pace, rest 2 min x 4
**same pace
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