Sunday, July 30, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-

A1. Back Squat @ 4021,  3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) - 245# across all 5 sets

245 felt good
A2. DB Windmill @ 3030, 3/arm x 5, rest 60 sec-

B1. Suitcase Deadlift, 10/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w arms

B2. Ring Body Saw from Elbows, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Run 200m
7 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
5 Toes to Bar
Run 200m
7 KB Swings, 53#
7 Wallball, 20#
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

1+200+7 burpees box jumps+5 toe to bar+ 200 m run(all 3 times)

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Front Rack Yoke Carry- 50’ x 4, rest 60 sec

140lbs add

A2. Ring Face Pulls @ 3030, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-

B1. Bear Hug Stone Squat (focus on keeping toes straight forward) 6-8 reps (try to go up to next stone) x 4, rest 60 sec

The one after 115 ( Get 4 1/2 good reps each time)
B2. Strict Toes to Bar, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-

Ugly 10
C1. DB Walking Lunges, 30 steps (15/leg) x 3, rest 30 sec **continuous reps, light enough to where you don’t have to break but it does burn a lot

C2. YTI Raise @ 2020, 5/letter x 3, rest 60 sec-


Thursday ( What not able to make it)
Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Burpees **match last week’s score
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
10 Push-Ups
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
9 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday ( got it in)
Run 30 sec @ consistent aerobic effort (not sprint)
Brisk Walk 60 sec
X 6 rounds
Easy walk 4min ×3

Saturday, July 22, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
30 sec Tricep Smash-

A1. Back Squat @ 4021,  3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets)

235(2), 245(2), 255(1)

A2. DB Windmill @ 3030, 3/arm x 5, rest 60 sec-

B1. Single Arm Russian KB Swings, 15/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w arms

B2. Ring Body Saw from Elbows, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **

Tuesday (we have to have some conditioning in place with body comp being the goal)
Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
10 Wallball, 20#
5 Burpees
Run 400m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

2+15, 2,2

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Front Rack Yoke Carry- 50’ x 4, rest 60 sec  **try to get more of your palm on the bar and keep it there even if you have to go lighter- won’t be as much of a front rack like front squat
A2. Ring Face Pulls @ 3030, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-
B1. Bear Hug Stone Squat (focus on keeping toes straight forward) 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec

B2. Strict Toes to Bar, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-

C1. DB Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 20 alt reps (10/leg) x 3, rest 30 sec **continuous reps, light enough to where you don’t have to break but it does burn a lot

C2. YTI Raise @ 2020, 5/letter x 3, rest 60 sec-

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Burpees **match last week’s score

Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
10 Squat Jumps high as possible

Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
8 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min

Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday (Get it in)
Run 30 sec @ consistent aerobic effort (not sprint)
Brisk Walk 60 sec
X 6 rounds
Easy walk 4 min
X 3 sets

Saturday, July 15, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
30 sec Tricep Smash-
A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 2021,  3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **Heavier


A2. DB Windmill @ 3030, 3/arm x 5, rest 60 sec-


B1. Single Arm Russian KB Swings, 12/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w arms


B2. Ring Body Saw from Elbows, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec


Tuesday (Mike to not waste your time programing this we probably might want to come up with something am going to do with better effort I know am not going to do this with any effort to be beneficial)
Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
20 No Push Up Burpees- keep core tight
Run 600m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Front Rack Yoke Carry (full hand on bar)- 50’ x 4, rest 60 sec

Put 145 on yoke

A2. Ring Face Pulls @ 3030, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-

B1. Bear Hug Stone Squat (focus on keeping toes straight forward) 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec

115 ( this was way worst then I thought)

B2. Inchworm Push-Up, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-


C1. DB Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 24 alt reps (12/leg) x 3, rest 30 sec **continuous reps, light enough to where you don’t have to break but it does burn a lot


C2. YTI Raise @ 2020, 5/letter x 3, rest 60 sec-

Thursday ( Did class with new member  21:06, 210 pace on row, 10 pullup)
Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Burpees **match last week’s score
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
10 Squat Jumps high as possible
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
8 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday ( Get it in)
Run 30 sec @ consistent aerobic effort (not sprint)
Brisk Walk 60 sec
X 6 rounds
Easy walk 4 min
X 3 sets
**let me know if you get this in

Sunday, July 9, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
30 sec Tricep Smash-

A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 2021,  3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **Heavier


A2. Floor Press @ 31X1, 2-3 x 5, rest 60 sec

Not done because of elbows

B1. Seated Good Morning @ 4011, 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **make sure feet are in front of knees w/ shins slanted back.  Keep back arched


B2. Side Plank on Ring (ring as close to ground as possible), 20-30 sec/side x 4, rest 60 sec-

20 sec

B3. Seated Hamstring Curls, 20 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Blue band

Tuesday ( Did hero WOD)
Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
20 No Push Up Burpees- keep core tight
Run 600m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A. Front Squat @ 30X1, build to 1RM

B. Pull-Up @ 20X1, build to 1RM

C1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -
C2. Ring Push-Ups @ 50X1 @, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-

C3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 10X3, 10 reps @ 185-205# x 4, rest 60 sec **note change in tempo

C4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-


Thursday (Did class workout its hard for me to let someone did it by themselves  20:10)
Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Burpees **match last week’s score
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
10 Squat Jumps high as possible
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
8 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

 Friday **get it in!
A1. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 30 sec **hold a weight 15-20#
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Jumping Lunges for max height, 8/leg x 4, rest 120 sec-*hold some kind of weight, about 10#/H
Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 1:00 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, July 2, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
30 sec Tricep Smash-
A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 2021,  5 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **movement quality looks great last couple weeks, keep it up.


A2. Incline Bench @ 31X1, 2-3 x 5, rest 60 sec **put one end of bench on top of another bench for incline


B1. Seated Good Morning @ 4011, 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **make sure feet are in front of knees w/ shins slanted back.  Keep back arched

Just bar

B2. Side Plank on Ring (ring as close to ground as possible), 20-30 sec/side x 4, rest 60 sec-


B3. Seated Hamstring Curls, 25 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Blue band

Finally did this right

Did class workout

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
18 No Push Up Burpees- keep core tight
Run 600m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..

Didn't make it
A1. Front Squat @ 40X1, 3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec  **2-3 warm up sets to find starting weight **no standing on plates
A2. Wide Grip Pull-Up @ 40X2, 3-4 x 5, rest 60 sec **focus on tempo on way down **add weight if possible
B1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -
B2. Ring Push-Ups @ 50X1 @, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-
B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 10X3, 10 reps @ 185-205# x 4, rest 60 sec **note change in tempo
B4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
4 Burpees
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
12 Jumping Lunges
Rest 3 min

5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
7 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both


**goal is same or more second time around

Friday **get it in!
A1. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 30 sec **hold a weight 15-20#
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Jumping Lunges for max height, 8/leg x 4, rest 120 sec-*hold some kind of weight, about 10#/H
Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 1:00 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Week 6

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 5051,  2 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **focus on good tempo (5 sec down and 5 sec up and feeling it in hamstrings


A2. Incline Bench @ 31X1, 3-5 x 5, rest 60 sec **put one end of bench on top of another bench for incline

B1. GHD Hip Extension @ 20X2, 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **hold plate across chest if possible
B2. Side Plank on Ring (ring as close to ground as possible), 20-30 sec/side x 4, rest 60 sec-
B3. Seated Hamstring Curls, 30 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Blue band

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
15 No Push Up Burpees- keep core tight
Run 600m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Front Squat @ 40X1, 3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec  **2-3 warm up sets to find starting weight, heels on green 10# plates


A2. Wide Grip Pull-Up @ 40X2, 3-4 x 5, rest 60 sec **focus on tempo on way down **add weight if possible


B1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -

B2. Clapping Push Ups @ 20X1 @, 10-12 (be explosive) x 4, rest 60 sec-

B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 10X3, 10 reps @ 185-205# x 4, rest 60 sec **note change in tempo


B4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-


Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Box Jumps, 24”

Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 350m
12 Air Squats

Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 150m
7 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min

3,3 ugly toes to bar

Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday **get it in!
A1. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 30 sec **hold a weight 15-20#
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Jumping Lunges for max height, 8/leg x 4, rest 120 sec-*hold some kind of weight, about 10#/H
Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 1:00 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, June 18, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 5051,  3 reps x 4, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **focus on good tempo (5 sec down and 5 sec up and feeling it in hamstrings

A2. Incline Bench @ 31X1, 5-6 x 4, rest 60 sec **put one end of bench on top of another bench for incline


B1. GHD Hip Extension @ 20X2, 15 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **hold plate across chest if possible

25lbs plate

B2. Side Plank on Ring (ring as close to ground as possible), 20-30 sec/side x 4, rest 60 sec-

Ugly 20 seconds

B3. Seated Hamstring Curls, 30 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Blue band

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
Run 400m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Heels Elevated Front Squat @ 40X1, 4 reps x 5, rest 60 sec  **2-3 warm up sets to find starting weight, heels on green 10# plates

A2. Wide Grip Pull-Up @ 40X2, 4-6 x 5, rest 60 sec **focus on tempo on way down **add weight if possible


B1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -

B2. Medball Push Ups @ 20X1 @, 10-12/arm alternating (be explosive) x 4, rest 60 sec-

B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 10X3, 15 reps @ 165-185# x 4, rest 60 sec **note change in tempo


B4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-


Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
7 Toes to Bar

3+100, 4

Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 350m
12 Alt Jump Lunges

3+250, 3+230
Rest 3 min

5 min @ 80%
Run 150m
7 Burpees
Rest 3 min

3+100, 4
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday **get it in!
A1. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 30 sec **hold a weight 15-20#
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Jumping Lunges for max height, 8/leg x 4, rest 120 sec-*hold some kind of weight, about 10#/H

Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 1:30 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, June 11, 2017

W4 ( Had some elbow discomfort this week)
3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 5051,  3 reps x 4, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **focus on good tempo (5 sec down and 5 sec up and feeling it in hamstrings

A2. Incline Bench @ 31X1, 5-6 x 4, rest 60 sec **put one end of bench on top of another bench for incline

145,165,185, 195

B1. GHD Hip Extension @ 20X2, 12 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **hold plate across chest if possible

25lbs plate

B2. Side Plank on Ring (ring as close to ground as possible), 20-30 sec/side x 4, rest 60 sec-

20 seconds
B3. Banded Good Mornings @ 2020, 30 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Green band

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
15 Wallball, 20#
10 Pull-Ups (2 x 5 unbroken)
5 Box Jumps, 30”
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets


Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Heels Elevated Front Squat @ 40X1, 5 reps x 4, rest 60 sec  **2-3 warm up sets to find starting weight, heels on green 10# plates

185, 205, 225, 240

A2. Wide Grip Pull-Up @ 40X2, 4-6 x 4, rest 60 sec **focus on tempo on way down **add weight if possible


B1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -

B2. Medball Push Ups @ 20X1 @, 10-12/arm alternating (be explosive) x 4, rest 60 sec-

B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 10X3, 12 reps @ 165-185# x 4, rest 60 sec **note change in tempo


B4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
75 Jump Ropes
7 Burpees


Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 350m
12 Jump Squats
3 Wall Walks

2+200, 2+100

Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 200m
15 KB Swings, 53#
Rest 3 min
Repeat both

**goal is same or more second time around

Friday **get it in!
A1. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 30 sec **hold a weight 15-20#
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Jumping Lunges for max height, 8/leg x 4, rest 120 sec-*hold some kind of weight, about 10#/H

Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 1:45 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, May 28, 2017

A1. Double KB RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 5051,  5 reps x 4, rest 60 sec (2-3 warm up sets) **focus on good tempo (5 sec down and 5 sec up and feeling it in hamstrings

A2. Incline Bench @ 42X1, 6-8 x 4, rest 60 sec **put one end of bench on top of another bench for incline

B1. GHD Hip Extension @ 20X2, 12 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **hold plate across chest if possible

B2. Side Plank Arch Ups, 15/side x 4, rest 60 sec

B3. Banded Good Mornings @ 2020, 25 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Green band

Tuesday( Class needed bikes so end up doing their workout)
Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
7 Pull-Ups
7 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Heels Elevated Front Squat @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec  **2-3 warm up sets to find starting weight, heels on green 10# plates

145, 185, 200, 220
A2. Wide Grip Pull-Up @ 40X2, 4-6 x 4, rest 60 sec **focus on tempo on way down **add weight if possible

6, no weight

B1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -


B2. Medball Push Ups @ 20X1 @, 10-12/arm alternating x 4, rest 60 sec-

B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 10X3, 12 reps @ 165-185# x 4, rest 60 sec **note change in tempo


B4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-

Thursday (it was only 1 person in 6:30 class so I did workout with them)
Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Row 250m
5 burpees
Rest 3 min

5 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
10 Russian KBS, 53#
10 V-Ups
Rest 3 min

5 min @ 80%
Run 200m
15 Wallball, 20#
Rest 3 min

Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday **get it in!
A1. Jumping Lunges for max heigh, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec-*

A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec

A3. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 120 sec
Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 2 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, May 21, 2017


A1. Double KB RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 5051,  5 reps x 3, rest 60 sec (2-3 warm up sets) **record weight for each

A2. Incline Bench @ 42X1, 6-8 x 3, rest 60 sec **put one end of bench on top of another bench for incline

B1. GHD Hip Extension @ 20X2, 12 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **hold plate across chest if possible

B2. Side Plank Arch Ups, 12/side x 4, rest 60 sec
B3. Banded Good Mornings @ 2020, 20 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Green

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
7 Pull-Ups
7 Box Jumps, 24” step down
7 Toes to Bar
Rest 5 min

X 3 sets

A1. Heels Elevated Front Squat @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec  **2-3 warm up sets to find starting weight, heels on green 10# plates
A2. Wide Grip Pull-Up @ 40X2, 4-6 x 4, rest 60 sec **focus on tempo on way down
B1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -
B2. Medball Push Ups @ 20X1 @, 8-10/arm alternating x 4, rest 60 sec-
B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 30X2, 10 reps @ 165-185# x 4, rest 60 sec
B4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Row 250m
7 KB Swings, 53#
7 Push Ups
Rest 3 min

5 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
10 Air Squats
5 Toes to Bar ( very ugly)
Rest 3 min

5 min @ 80%
Run 200m
5 Burpees
5 Box Jumps, 24”
Rest 3 min


Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday(Got to find a way to get my Friday workouts in because what I have been doing has not been working)

A1. Jumping Lunges for max heigh, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec-*
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 120 sec
Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 2 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, May 14, 2017

A1. Sumo Deadlift @ 30X1,  10, 8, 6, 4, rest 60 sec (2-3 warm up sets building to 245# for set of 10 then build from there) **record weight for each
A2. Alt DB Bench Press on Swiss Ball @ 20X2, 8/arm x 4, rest 60 sec **hold weight in lockout while doing rep with other arm

B1. Banded Russian KB Swings, 12 reps @ 70# + Blue band x 4, rest 60 sec
B2. Single Arm Front Plank, 40 sec/arm x 4, rest 60 sec
B3. Sorenson Hold, 40 sec x 4, rest 90 sec **focus on squeezing at the top

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
50’ Goblet Walking Lunges 53#
5 Ring Dips
5 Pull-Ups
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets


A1. Barbell Back Reverse Lunge, 8/leg x 4, rest 60 sec  **2-3 warm up sets to find starting weight, at least what you did step ups w/


A2. Single Arm Ring Row @ 20X2, 8/arm x 4, rest 60 sec

B1. Single Leg Hip Extension on GH Machine @ 40X1, 8/leg x 4, rest 60 sec

B2. Single Arm DB Push Press @ 20X1 @, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 60 sec


B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 30X2, 10 reps @ 165-185# x 4, rest 60 sec


B4. DB Hammer 21 Curls, 7 from bottom to half way up, 7 half way to the top, 7 full reps x 4, rest 90 sec


Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Row 250m
3 Burpees over Rower
4 Box Jumps, 24” step down
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
7 V-Ups
5 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Did class workout (4+500meter, 20 twist, 9 box jumps)
A1. Crossover Step Down, 10/leg x 5, rest 30 sec-*hold weight in goblet position if possible
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 5, rest 30 sec
A3. Lunge Jump, 8/leg x 5, rest 30 sec
Run 800m
12 side plank rotations/side
Rest 2 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Week 5

A1. Sumo Deadlift @ 30X1,  10, 8, 6, rest 60 sec (2-3 warm up sets building to 245# for set of 10 then build from there)
A2. Alt DB Bench Press on Swiss Ball @ 20X2, 8/arm x 3, rest 60 sec **hold weight in lockout while doing rep with other arm
B1. Russian KB Swings, 12 reps @ 88# x 5, rest 60 sec
B2. Single Arm Front Plank, 35 sec/arm x 5, rest 60 sec
B3. Sorenson Hold, 35 sec x 5, rest 90 sec **focus on squeezing at the top
Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
25 sec Goblet Wall Squat, 53#
7 Ring Push Ups
3 Pull-Ups
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets
**good pacing last week, same thing again this week

A1. Barbell Back Rack Russian Step Ups, 6/leg x 4, rest 60 sec **same weight, good control for all 6 reps

A2. Single Arm Bent Row @ 20X2, 8/arm x 4, rest 60 sec

B1. Single Leg Hip Extension on GH Machine @ 40X1, 8/leg x 4, rest 60 sec

B2. Single Arm DB Push Press @ 20X@, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 60 sec

B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 30X2, 10 reps @ 165-185# x 4, rest 60 sec

B4. Pronated Grip Barbell Curls @ 3030 tempo (3 sec up, 3 sec down), 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Row 250m
7 Push Ups
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
7 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

A1. Crossover Step Down, 12/leg x 5, rest 30 sec-
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge, 12/leg x 5, rest 30 sec
A3. Lunge Jump, 10/leg x 5, rest 30 sec
Run 400m
10 side plank rotations/side
Rest 1 min
X 10 sets

Sunday, April 30, 2017

A1. Sumo Deadlift @ 30X1, 10 reps @ 245# x 3 reps, rest 60 sec (2-3 warm up sets building to 245#)
A2. Alt DB Bench Press @ 20X2, 8/arm x 3, rest 60 sec **hold weight in lockout while doing rep with other arm
B1. Russian KB Swings, 10 reps @ 88# x 5, rest 60 sec
B2. Single Arm Front Plank, 30 sec/arm x 5, rest 60 sec
B3. Sorenson Hold, 30 sec x 5, rest 90 sec **focus on squeezing at the top

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
10 Air Squats
5 Push Ups
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets
**goal is same or more each set, not laying on ground at end


A1. Barbell Back Rack Russian Step Ups, 8/leg x 4, rest 60 sec
A2. Single Arm Bent Row @ 20X2, 8/arm x 4, rest 60 sec
B1. Single Leg Banded DB RDL @ 40X1, 8/leg x 4, rest 60 sec **band around rig and around working knee
B2. Single Arm DB Push Press @ 20X@, 8-10/arm x 4, rest 60 sec
B3. American Hip Thrust @ 30X2, 10 reps @ 165-185# x 4, rest 60 sec **shoulders on bench, bar on hips, heavy
B4. Pronated Grip Barbell Curls @ 3030 tempo (3 sec up, 3 sec down), 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Row 250m
5 Burpees
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
5 Pull-Ups
7 Wallball, 20#
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

  • 3+500

A1. Curtsy Squat, 12/leg x 5, rest 30 sec
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge, 12/leg x 5, rest 30 sec
A3. Lunge Jump, 10/leg x 5, rest 30 sec
Run 400m
10 side plank rotations/side
Rest 1 min
X 8 sets

Sunday, April 23, 2017

A1. Sumo Deadlift @ 30X1, 10 reps @ 235# x 3sets, rest 60 sec
A2. Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press @ 20X2, 10/arm x 3, rest 60 sec


B1. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 3012, 12/leg x 5, rest 60 sec
B2. Single Arm Farmer Carry, 30 sec/arm x 5, rest 60 sec

62lbs( started with 88lbs but was not able to keep it off body)

B3. GHD Hip Extension @ 4022, 6-8 x 5, rest 90 sec **control tempo and focus on squeezing at the top


Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Row 250m
10 DB Thrusters, 20#/H
5 Burpees
5 Box Jumps, 24” step down
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets
**goal is same or more each set, not laying on ground at end

A1. Barbell Back Rack Russian Step Ups, 10/leg x 4, rest 60 sec
A2. Single Arm Bent Row @ 20X2, 8/arm x 4, rest 60 sec
B1. Single Leg Banded DB RDL @ 40X1, 8/leg x 4, rest 60 sec **band around rig and around working knee
B2. Banded Tricep Extensions, 20 reps x 4, rest 60 sec
B3. American Hip Thrust @ 30X2, 10 reps @ 165-185# x 4, rest 60 sec **shoulders on bench, bar on hips, heavy
B4. Pronated Grip Barbell Curls @ 4040 tempo (4 sec up, 4 sec down), 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec

Thursday[ Did class workout got 5 full rounds]
Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Row 250m
10 Squat Jumps
5 Ring Push Ups
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
12 steps Walking Lunges
5 Pull-Ups
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

A1. Curtsy Squat, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Lunge Jump, 10/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
Run 400m
10 side plank rotations/side
Rest 1 min
X 7 set

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week 2
Jason's WorkW2
A1. Sumo Deadlift @ 30X1, 12 reps @ 225# x 3 reps, rest 60 sec

A2. Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press @ 20X2, 12/arm x 3, rest 60 sec


B1. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 3012, 10/leg x 5, rest 60 sec
B2. Single Arm Front Plank, 30 sec/arm x 5, rest 60 sec
B3. GHD Hip Extension @ 4022, 6-8 x 5, rest 90 sec **control tempo and focus on squeezing at the top

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Row 250m
5 Burpee Box Jumps, 20”
45 Jump Ropes
5 Toes to Bar
10 Russian KB Swings, 53#
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets
**goal is same or more each set, not laying on ground at end

A1. Barbell Front Rack Step Ups, 10/leg x 4, rest 60 sec
A2. Single Arm Bent Row @ 20X2, 10/arm x 4, rest 60 sec
B1. Single Leg Banded DB RDL @ 40X1, 10/leg x 4, rest 60 sec **band around rig and around working knee


B2. Banded Tricep Extensions, 15 reps x 4, rest 60 sec
B3. American Hip Thrust @ 30X2, 12 reps @ 165# x 4, rest 60 sec **shoulders on bench, bar on hips, heavy
B4. Pronated Grip Barbell Curls @ 4040 tempo (4 sec up, 4 sec down), 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Row 250m
15 Air Squats
2 Wall Walks


Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 500
10 Step Ups Alt, 24”
5 Pull-Ups
Rest 3 min


Repeat both ***not sure if you repeated both last time, you only recorded 2 scores
**goal is same or more second time around

A1. Curtsy Squat, 10/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Lunge Jump, 8/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
Run 400m
30 sec side plank/arm
Rest 1 min
X 7 sets

Sunday, April 9, 2017

A1. Sumo Deadlift @ 30X1, 10 reps @ 225# x 3 sets, rest 60 sec
A2. Incline Single Arm DB Bench Press @ 20X2, 10/arm x 3, rest 60 sec


B1. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 3012, 10/leg x 4, rest 60 sec
B2. Single Arm Front Plank, 30 sec/arm x 4, rest 60 sec
B3. GHD Hip Extension @ 4022, 6-8 x 4, rest 90 sec **control tempo and focus on squeezing at the top

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Row 250m
50’ Bear Crawl
2 Wall Walks
20 steps Walking Lunges
10 sec Chin Over Bar Hold
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

**goal is same or more each set, not laying on ground at end

A1. Barbell Front Rack Step Ups, 10/leg x 3, rest 60 sec

A2. Single Arm Bent Row @ 20X2, 10/arm x 3, rest 60 sec

B1. Single Leg Banded DB RDL @ 40X1, 10/leg x 4, rest 60 sec **band around rig and around working knee

B2. Banded Tricep Extensions, 15 reps x 4, rest 60 sec

B3. American Hip Thrust @ 30X2, 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **shoulders on bench, bar on hips, heavy

Got 185 a few rep dropped to 130lbs

B4. Pronated Grip Barbell Curls, 12 reps x 4, rest 90 sec

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Row 250m
10 Step Ups
5 Push Ups
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 500m
10 Russian KB Swings, 53#
5 Toes to Bar

Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

A1. Curtsy Squat, 10/leg x 3, rest 30 sec
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge, 12/leg x 3, rest 30 sec
A3. Lunge Jump, 8/leg x 3, rest 30 sec
Run 400m
30 sec side plank/arm
Rest 1 min
X 6 sets

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Bike
1 set:
30 sec/side Forearm Smash-
30 sec Active Hang from Pull-Up Bar-
30 sec Tricep Smash on Barbell-
A. Deadbug Roll- 8/side x 3, rest as needed
B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, build to 1RM

B2. Weighted Pull-Up, build to 1RM **chin fully over bar

C. Front Squat @ 30X1, 1 x max unbroken @ 85% of B1

Think I take to long getting 1 rep max because I only got 1 rep before bar slipped out of my hands

Tuesday- MAP 10
A. Side Plank- 1 x max hold each side- goal is 90 sec **from elbow
Row - 12 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2-3 min x 3, record fastest pace/500m
134.9, 128.9, 126.3
10 min Bike Test **goal is avg speed 40+
**record max Cals and avg Speed

9cals avg speed was 37

Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP 2 Row
2 sets not for time:
2 Wall Walks
20 ec Single Arm Front Plank/side-
A.Shoulder Press, build to 1RM


B. Sorensen Test- 1 x max hold up to 2 min, get a coach to watch if there’s one around or video from the side

1:40 seconds
Row 500m
Rest 90 sec in the straps
Row 500m
**record both 500m times
**set rower up to interval variable, 500m Row, rest 90, 500m row

A.Sumo Deadlift (overhand grip), build to 10RM @ 30X1 tempo
B. Front Rack Step Up, build to 10RM/arm
C. Single Leg Glute Bridge, 1 x max hold/side-
45 sec each leg
D. Front Plank, 1 x max Hold
1 min

Sunday, March 26, 2017


Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Bike

1 set:

30 sec/side Forearm Smash-

30 sec Active Hang from Pull-Up Bar-

30 sec Tricep Smash on Barbell-


A. Deadbug Roll- 8/side x 3, rest as needed

B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, 2-3 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **increase load 2-5%, no
more **note weights and reps achieved
225 lbs

B2. DB Hammer Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-


3 rounds for time:

30 Cal Bike

20 Wallball

**goal is same pace/round- record total time and split times if possible

Tuesday- MAP 10

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

7 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Crossover Step Downs, 20”-

5 Toes to Bar

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

7 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Crossover Step Downs, 20”-

5 Toes to Bar

Rest 5 min


15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

7 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Crossover Step Downs, 20”-

5 Toes to Bar


***goal is same pace/round and NOT laid out on the ground after.

Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP
2 Row

2 sets not for time:

2 Wall Walks

20 sec Single Arm Front Plank/side-


A1. Barbell Seated Z-Press @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 30 sec b/w arms-
**increase load as possible

A2. Suitcase Deadlift, @ 30X1, 8/arm x 4, rest 60 sec- try to increase load
**focus on not leaning to the side or rotating-

125 lbs
B1. Turkish Get Up, 3/arm x 4, rest as needed


B2. FLR on Rings, 35 sec x 4, rest as needed


Row 30 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 30 sec in straps x 4

**set rower up for 30 sec on 30 sec off interval- record distance for each
separate 30 sec.

**no holding back, go all out on each one
135/ 155 distance
136/ 153 distance
136/ 153 distance
137/ 152 distance

Thursday- MAP 7

10 min @ 80%

Bike 15 Cals
15 Thrusters 45#

5 CTB Pull-Ups (chest must make contact)

Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Run 200m

20 Cossack Squats (10/side)

10 Inverted V-Ups-

Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Row 250m

30 sec Double KB Front Rack KB Wall Squat Hold, 26#/H

10 Side Plank Arch Ups-
( really don’t have much Entergy today)


Run 800m @ consistent pace, rest 2 min x 4
**same pace

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Bike

2 sets not for time:

30 sec/side Forearm Smash-

30 sec Active Hang from Pull-Up Bar-

30 sec Tricep Smash on Barbell-


A. Deadbug Roll- 8/side x 3, rest as needed

B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, 3-4 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **same reps, try to
increase load 2-5%, no more **note weights and reps achieved

B2. Drag Curls w/ Bar @ 40X1, 8-12 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-


30 sec Bike @ speed 41

30 sec rest

15 Wallball
Rest 30 sec

X 7 sets

Tuesday- MAP 10

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m ( Row machine because it was super cold outside)

5 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”- 26#KB-

12 Jump Switch Lunges

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

5 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”- 26#KB-

12 Jump Switch Lunges

Rest 5 min


15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

5 Push Ups @ 50X1 tempo

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”- 26#KB-

12 Jump Switch Lunges


***goal is same pace/round and NOT laid out on the ground after.

Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP
2 Row

3 sets not for time:

2 Wall Walks

20 sec Single Arm Front Plank/side-


A1. Single Arm Z-Press @ 40X1, 12/arm x 4, rest 30 sec b/w arms-


A2. Suitcase Deadlift, @ 30X1, 10/arm x 4, rest 60 sec- try to increase
load **focus on not leaning to the side or rotating-


B1. Turkish Get Up, 3/arm x 4, rest as needed


B2. FLR on Rings, 30 sec x 4, rest as needed


Row 30 sec @ 2:20/500m

Row 30 sec @ 2:15/500m

Row 30 sec @ 2:10/500m

Rest 60 sec

X 4 sets

Thursday- MAP 7 ( Did not make it to gym did 17.3 on Friday got to 5 hand release push-ups)

10 min @ 80%

Bike 15 Cals
15 Thrusters, 45#

5 CTB Pull-Ups **make contact with chest to the bar

Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Run 200m

20 Cossack Squats (10/side)

10 Inverted V-Ups-

Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Row 250m

30 sec Double KB Front Rack KB Wall Squat Hold, 26#/H

10 Side Plank Arch Ups-


Run 800m @ consistent pace, rest 2 min x 4

**same pace **

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Bike

2 sets not for time:

30 sec/side Forearm Smash-

30 sec Active Hang from Pull-Up Bar-

30 sec Tricep Smash on Barbell-


A. Deadbug Roll- 8/side x 3, rest as needed

B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, 4-5 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **same reps, try to
increase load 2-5%, no more **note weights and reps achieved

220lbs, 4 reps

B2. Drag Curls w/ Bar @ 40X1, 8-12 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-


30 sec Bike @ speed 41

30 sec rest

X 15 sets (last week on this)

Tuesday- MAP 10

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

5 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”- 26#KB-

10 Russian Kb Swings, 53#

1 ( Had to hit treeline)

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

5 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”- 26#KB-

10 Russian Kb Swings, 53#

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

5 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

5/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”- 26#KB-

10 Russian Kb Swings, 53#


***goal is same pace/round and NOT laid out on the ground after.

Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP
2 Row

3 sets not for time:

10 Bottoms Up KB Press/arm- focus on control and good lockout overhead


20 sec Single Arm Front Plank/side-


A. Oblique Sit Press, 10 reps x 3, rest as needed **2 sec pause at top-

B1. Suitcase Deadlift, @ 30X1, 12/arm x 4, rest 60 sec- probably around 95#
**focus on not leaning to the side or rotating-

B2. Turkish Get Up, 3/arm x 4, rest as needed

C. Side Plank from Elbow, 30-35 sec/side x 3, rest as little as possible


60 sec Row @ 2:15/500m

60 sec rest

X 8 (last week)

Thursday- MAP 7

10 min @ 80%

Bike 15 Cals
12 Wallball, 20#

9 Toes to Bar


Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Run 200m

20 steps Overhead Walking Lunges, 25# plate

10 V-Ups


Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Row 250m

30 sec Double KB Front Rack KB Wall Squat Hold, 26#/H

5 Strict Pull-Ups

( went to Gulfport this weekend and forgot running shoes)

Run 800m @ consistent pace, rest 2 min x 4
**same pace

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Bike
3 sets not for time:
3 sec/side Forearm Smash-
5 Bent Over Cuban Press w/ 5# plates-
30 sec Tricep Smash on Barbell-
A. Deadbug Roll- 8/side x 3, rest as needed
B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, 5-7 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **same reps, try to increase load 2-5%, no more **note weights and difficulty


B2. Drag Curls w/ Bar @ 40X1, 8-12 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-
30 sec Bike @ speed 41
30 sec rest
X 12 sets

Tuesday- MAP 10
15 min @ steady pace
Run 400m
10 Box Jump Overs, 20”- steady
Bike 10 Cals
10/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”-

Rest 5 min
15 min @ steady pace
Run 400m
10 Box Jump Overs, 20”- steady
Bike 10 Cals
10/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”-

Rest 5 min
15 min @ steady pace
Run 400m
10 Box Jump Overs, 20”- steady
Bike 10 Cals
10/leg Offset Front Rack Step Ups- 20”-

***goal is same pace/round and NOT laid out on the ground after.

Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP 2 Row
3 sets not for time:
10 Bottoms Up KB Press/arm- focus on control and good lockout overhead

30 sec Passive Hang from Rings
A. Oblique Sit Press, 10 reps x 3, rest as needed **2 sec pause at top-

B1. Suitcase Deadlift, @ 30X1, 10/arm x 4, rest 60 sec- probably around 95# **focus on not leaning to the side or rotating-

B2. Turkish Get Up, 3/arm x 4, rest as needed
C. Side Plank from Elbow, 25-30 sec/side x 3, rest as little as possible
60 sec Row @ 2:15/500m
60 sec rest
X 7

Thursday- MAP 7
10 min @ 80%
Bike 15 Cals
15 Russian KB Swings, 53#
8 Toes to Bar

Rest 5 min
10 min @ 80%
Run 200m
20 steps Overhead Walking Lunges, 25# plate

Rest 5 min
10 min @ 80%
Row 250m
30 sec Double KB Front Rack KB Wall Squat Hold, 35#/H


Friday (Dealing with back spasms Fri/Sat so didn’t do)
Run 800m @ consistent pace, rest 2 min x 4
**same pace

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Bike

3 sets not for time:

3 sec/side Forearm Smash-

5 Bent Over Cuban Press w/ 5# plates-

30 sec Tricep Smash on Barbell-


A. DNS 7 Month Position- 20-30 sec/side x 3, rest as needed (Notice feet
stay together, only knee and elbow on the ground)

B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, 6-8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **same reps, try to
increase load 2-5%, no more **note weights and difficulty

B2. Drag Curls w/ Bar @ 40X1, 8-12 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-


30 sec Bike @ speed 41

30 sec rest

X 11 sets (8.41 calories)

Tuesday- MAP 10

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

10 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

15 sec Side Plank/side

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#

12 Alt Step Ups

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

10 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

15 sec Side Plank/side

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#

12 Alt Step Ups

Rest 5 min
2+ 20

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

10 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

15 sec Side Plank/side

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#

12 Alt Step Ups

2+ 20

***goal is same pace/round and NOT laid out on the ground after.

Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP
2 Row

(Class Wallball Metcon 1:33)

3 sets not for time:

10 Bottoms Up KB Press/arm- focus on control and good lockout overhead

30 sec Passive Hang from Rings


A. Oblique Sit Press, 10 reps x 3, rest as needed **2 sec pause at top-

B1. Russian KB Swings, 20 reps x 4, rest 60 sec- 70#

B2. Single Arm Front Rack Carry, 100’ unbroken/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w
arms **heavy as possible for 100’ unbroken

C. Side Plank from Elbow, 25-30 sec/side x 3, rest as little as possible


60 sec Row @ 2:15/500m

60 sec rest

X 6

Thursday- MAP 7

10 min @ 80%

Bike 15 Cals
16 Steps Walking Lunges

15 sec Knee Tuck Hang from Bar

Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Run 200m

10 No Push Up DB Burpees, 35#/H (hold DB’s throughout entire movement- just
deadlift at top, not OH)
Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Row 250m

10 Goblet Squats, 35#

20 sec Hollow Hold


Run 800m @ consistent pace, rest 2 min x 4
**run slower


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Bike

3 sets not for time:

5 KB Arm Bar/arm, 2 sec pause at end


5 Bent Over Cuban Press w/ 5# plates-

30 sec Tricep Smash on Barbell-


A. Quarter Squat Paloff Press @ 2020, 10/side x 3, rest as needed **green

B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, 6-8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **same reps, try to
increase load 2-5%, no more **note weights and difficulty


B2. Drag Curls w/ Bar @ 40X1, 8-12 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-


30 sec Bike @ speed 41

30 sec rest

X 10 sets

Tuesday- MAP 10( Got there late did class Metcon and it was Valentine’s Day)

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

10 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

15 sec Side Plank/side

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#

12 Alt Step Ups

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

10 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

15 sec Side Plank/side

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#

12 Alt Step Ups

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

10 No Push Up Burpees

Bike 10 Cals

15 sec Side Plank/side

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#

12 Alt Step Ups

***goal is same pace/round and NOT laid out on the ground after.

Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP
2 Row

3 sets not for time:

10 Bottoms Up KB Press/arm- focus on control and good lockout overhead


30 sec Passive Hang from Rings


A. Frog Pump, 10 reps x 3, rest as needed **2 sec pause at top

B1. Russian KB Swings, 18 reps x 4, rest 60 sec- 70#

B2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 100’ unbroken/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w arms
**heavy as possible for 100’ unbroken **don’t let KB or arm touch your side


C. Side Plank from Elbow, 25-30 sec/side x 3, rest as little as possible


60 sec Row @ 2:15/500m

60 sec rest
X 5 (1445 meters)

Thursday- MAP 7( Did class Metcon 27:15)
10 min @ 80%
Bike 15 Cals
15 Air Squats
30 sec FLR on Rings
Rest 5 min
10 min @ 80%
Run 200m
10 No Push Up Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
Rest 5 min
10 min @ 80%
Row 250m
5 Toes to Bar
12 Alt Step Ups, 24”

Run 400m @ consistent pace, rest 2 min x 8

This quickly became 200 meter run

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Monday- Scapular Strength/Mobility + Glute Prep + Squat/Bicep + MAP 1 Row

3 sets not for time:

5 KB Arm Bar/arm, 2 sec pause at end range (35-53#)-

5 Bent Over Cuban Press w/ 5# plates-

60 sec wrist mobility


A. Quarter Squat Paloff Press @ 2020, 10/side x 3, rest as needed **green
band, try to get a lot of tension-

B1. Front Squat @ 30X1, 6-8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec

B2. Drag Curls w/ Bar @ 40X1, 8-10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-


30 sec Bike @ speed 41

30 sec rest

X 10 sets

Tuesday- MAP 10

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

50’ Reverse Bear Crawl

50’ Walking Lunges

Bike 10 Cals

30 sec FLR on Rings

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#
2 rounds

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

50’ Reverse Bear Crawl

50’ Walking Lunges

Bike 10 Cals

30 sec FLR on Rings

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#

2 rounds

Rest 5 min

15 min @ steady pace

Run 400m

50’ Reverse Bear Crawl

50’ Walking Lunges

Bike 10 Cals

30 sec FLR on Rings

10 Russian KB Swings, 53#
***goal is same pace/round and NOT laid out on the ground after.

2 rounds
Wednesday- Scap Strength/Mobility + Glute + Hinging/Carry (shoulder) + MAP
2 Row

3 sets not for time:

10 Bottoms Up KB Press/arm

20 sec Passive Hang from Rings


A. Frog Pump, 10 reps x 3, rest as needed **2 sec pause at top

B1. Russian KB Swings, 15 reps x 4, rest 60 sec


B2. Single Arm Overhead Carry, 100’ unbroken/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w arms
**heavy as possible for 100’ unbroken

C. Side Plank from Elbow, 20-30 sec/side x 3, rest as little as possible
20 sec


60 sec Row @ 2:15/500m

60 sec rest

X 5

Thursday- MAP 7

10 min @ 80%

Row 250m

15 Wallball, 20#

10 No Push Up Burpees
3 rounds

Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Run 200m

12 Box Jumps, 24” step down

20 sec FLR on Rings
3 rounds

Rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%

Row 250m

15 Air Squats
10 Toes to Bar

1 rounds ( Had to go to trees no more protein shakes before workout)

I have not been,this  sore in awhile.

Saturday, February 4, 2017



A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 3011, 8RM/leg, rest as needed b/w
**hold DB’s by side

B. Weighted Pull-Up, build to 1RM **chin fully over bar

C. Single Arm Seated DB Press, 6RM/arm **note weight each arm if different,
note if elbow pain
55lbs, elbow pain

D. Sorenson Hold, 1 x AMSAP


Run 200m @ goal 400m pace, rest 2 min b/w sets + 4 min after 2nd one

Run 400m for time:

Row Sprint- 12 sec MAX EFFORT, record peak pace/500m achieved, rest 2 min
130, 112 meters

Row 30 min MAX Distance

**take picture of screen at end and put it on blog


A. Front Squat @ 30X1, build to 1RM


B. CG Bench Press @ 30X1, build to 1RM **have spotter

245lbs stop there because of right tricep discomfort

C. Side Plank, 1 x max hold each side **record time each side and limiter
(side or shoulder)

Right side 20 sec, left side 46 sec.

10 min AMRAP

Box Jumps, 24” step down each rep


Bike 12 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min **record peak speed/watts achieved
999 Watts, 59

Bike 10 min MAX Cals

**record avg speed and total cals
100 Cals , 38 speed

Run 1 mile for time:
Did not get a chance to do. Will have to work on running when time change.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

A1. Overhead Walking Lunges, 4 x 20 steps, rest 60 sec (lower to shoulders @ 10 steps and turn around)
A2. Single Arm Bottoms Up KB 90/90 Carry, 4 x 75’/arm, rest 60 sec **26-35#


A3. Ring Face Pulls @ 20X1, 4 x 12 reps, rest 90 sec -
20 min @ easy pace
50’ Reverse Bear Crawl
12 Hip Extensions
35 Jump Ropes
30 sec FLR on Rings
20 Alternating Step Ups, 24”

10 steps short of 4 rounds.

3 sets not for time:
15 Eccentric Only American Hip Thrusts/leg (empty bar)-
45 sec/arm tricep smash with barbell in rack
7 sets for reps
30 sec No Push Up Burpees
30 sec rest
30 sec Box Jumps, 24” step down
30 sec rest
30 sec Row @ 2:10/500m
30 sec rest
30 sec Russian KB Swings, 53#
30 sec rest
30 sec Shuttle Run down & back in gym
30 sec rest

343 reps
A1. Jump Switch Lunges, 4 x 8/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs **focus on jumping as high as possible, back knee should lightly touch ground
A2. Star Side Plank, 4 x 20-30 sec, rest 45 sec
B1. Knee Banded Single Leg RDL w/ DB’s @ 3010, 3 x 10/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs

B2. Single Arm Bottoms Up KB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 8/arm, rest 60 sec

B3. Strict Pull-Ups @ 10,0X0, 3 x 3, rest 60 sec **10 sec on the way down

Might been 8 1/2 sec
3 rounds for time:
15 Cal Bike
12 Burpees
C. Jefferson Curl w/ 5# @ 3030, 3 x 5 reps, rest as needed-

A1. Stir the Pot on Swiss Ball, 3 x 45 sec, rest as needed-
A2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 3 x 150’ unbroken, heavy as possible, rest as needed
Bike 90 sec @ speed 42, rest 30 sec x 5

Not fun at all…….
12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Toes to Bar + 35 Jump Ropes
2nd- 15 Russian KB Swings, 70#

Run 10 min easy pace
Run 100m ALL OUT on the min for 12 min
Run 5 min easy pace

A1. Overhead Walking Lunges, 4 x 20 steps, rest 60 sec (lower to shoulders @ 10 steps and turn around)
A2. Single Arm Bottoms Up KB 90/90 Carry, 4 x 75’/arm, rest 60 sec **26-35#
A3. Ring Face Pulls @ 20X1, 4 x 12 reps, rest 90 sec -
20 min @ easy pace
50’ Reverse Bear Crawl
12 Hip Extensions
35 Jump Ropes
30 sec FLR on Rings
20 Alternating Step Ups, 24”

10 steps short of 4 rounds.

3 sets not for time:
15 Eccentric Only American Hip Thrusts/leg (empty bar)-
45 sec/arm tricep smash with barbell in rack
7 sets for reps
30 sec No Push Up Burpees
30 sec rest
30 sec Box Jumps, 24” step down
30 sec rest
30 sec Row @ 2:10/500m
30 sec rest
30 sec Russian KB Swings, 53#
30 sec rest
30 sec Shuttle Run down & back in gym
30 sec rest

343 reps
A1. Jump Switch Lunges, 4 x 8/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs **focus on jumping as high as possible, back knee should lightly touch ground
A2. Star Side Plank, 4 x 20-30 sec, rest 45 sec
B1. Knee Banded Single Leg RDL w/ DB’s @ 3010, 3 x 10/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs
B2. Single Arm Bottoms Up KB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 8/arm, rest 60 sec
B3. Strict Pull-Ups @ 10,0X0, 3 x 3, rest 60 sec **10 sec on the way down
3 rounds for time:
15 Cal Bike
12 Burpees

C. Jefferson Curl w/ 5# @ 3030, 3 x 5 reps, rest as needed-

A1. Stir the Pot on Swiss Ball, 3 x 45 sec, rest as needed-
A2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 3 x 150’ unbroken, heavy as possible, rest as needed
Bike 90 sec @ speed 42, rest 30 sec x 5

Not fun at all…….
12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Toes to Bar + 35 Jump Ropes
2nd- 15 Russian KB Swings, 70#

Run 10 min easy pace
Run 100m ALL OUT on the min for 12 min
Run 5 min easy pace