Friday, October 2, 2015

A1. Bench: 4 x 6, R :20 (230-240#) 235 lbs
A2. One Arm DB Pulls: 4 x 6/arm, R 1:00 75 lbs
B1. DB Incline Bench: 4 x 12, R :45 (hands are sideways w/ thumbs pointing to face) 75 lbs was not fun but 
B2. Scap Pull Ups: 4 x 8, R :45
C1. Reverse Barbell Curls: 3 x 12, R :20 95lbs 
C2. Banded Tricep Pulldowns: 3 x 20, R :40
Run 400m
Bike :30 sec ALL OUT
Front Plank 1:00

A1. BSQ: 4 x 10,10,5,5 (240,240,255,255#), R :45
A2. GH Medball Torture Twist: 4 x 8/side, R :45 (15#)
A3. Bike :45 @  55-60 Rpm's keep it at 65 by mistake lol
A4. Hamstring Curls: 4 x 8, R 1:00
Cool Down Stretch

A1. BTN Pull Ups: 4 x 3-5, R :30 5
A2. DB Seated Shoulder Press: 4 x 8, R 1:00 looked at wrong did 165# and failed at 5 then did 145# failed at 4 , 135# failed at 4
A3. Banded KB Swings: 4 x 8, R 1:00
DB Thrusters, 25#/hand made it happen 
Ring Pull Ups

A. Front Squats: 75 reps in fewest amount of sets possible w/ 135#
Took 7 set bar would start to slip out of hand at 10
B. 3 min of Non-stop Walking Lunges w/15# db/hand
Real burned bad
KB Swings, 70#
To not cheat and do 30 in a row I would seat it down than pick it back up after each  set

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