Sunday, July 30, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-

A1. Back Squat @ 4021,  3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) - 245# across all 5 sets

245 felt good
A2. DB Windmill @ 3030, 3/arm x 5, rest 60 sec-

B1. Suitcase Deadlift, 10/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w arms

B2. Ring Body Saw from Elbows, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
Run 200m
7 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
5 Toes to Bar
Run 200m
7 KB Swings, 53#
7 Wallball, 20#
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

1+200+7 burpees box jumps+5 toe to bar+ 200 m run(all 3 times)

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Front Rack Yoke Carry- 50’ x 4, rest 60 sec

140lbs add

A2. Ring Face Pulls @ 3030, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-

B1. Bear Hug Stone Squat (focus on keeping toes straight forward) 6-8 reps (try to go up to next stone) x 4, rest 60 sec

The one after 115 ( Get 4 1/2 good reps each time)
B2. Strict Toes to Bar, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-

Ugly 10
C1. DB Walking Lunges, 30 steps (15/leg) x 3, rest 30 sec **continuous reps, light enough to where you don’t have to break but it does burn a lot

C2. YTI Raise @ 2020, 5/letter x 3, rest 60 sec-


Thursday ( What not able to make it)
Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Burpees **match last week’s score
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
10 Push-Ups
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
9 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday ( got it in)
Run 30 sec @ consistent aerobic effort (not sprint)
Brisk Walk 60 sec
X 6 rounds
Easy walk 4min ×3

Saturday, July 22, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
30 sec Tricep Smash-

A1. Back Squat @ 4021,  3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets)

235(2), 245(2), 255(1)

A2. DB Windmill @ 3030, 3/arm x 5, rest 60 sec-

B1. Single Arm Russian KB Swings, 15/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w arms

B2. Ring Body Saw from Elbows, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **

Tuesday (we have to have some conditioning in place with body comp being the goal)
Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
10 Wallball, 20#
5 Burpees
Run 400m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

2+15, 2,2

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Front Rack Yoke Carry- 50’ x 4, rest 60 sec  **try to get more of your palm on the bar and keep it there even if you have to go lighter- won’t be as much of a front rack like front squat
A2. Ring Face Pulls @ 3030, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-
B1. Bear Hug Stone Squat (focus on keeping toes straight forward) 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec

B2. Strict Toes to Bar, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-

C1. DB Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 20 alt reps (10/leg) x 3, rest 30 sec **continuous reps, light enough to where you don’t have to break but it does burn a lot

C2. YTI Raise @ 2020, 5/letter x 3, rest 60 sec-

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Burpees **match last week’s score

Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
10 Squat Jumps high as possible

Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
8 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min

Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday (Get it in)
Run 30 sec @ consistent aerobic effort (not sprint)
Brisk Walk 60 sec
X 6 rounds
Easy walk 4 min
X 3 sets

Saturday, July 15, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
30 sec Tricep Smash-
A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 2021,  3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **Heavier


A2. DB Windmill @ 3030, 3/arm x 5, rest 60 sec-


B1. Single Arm Russian KB Swings, 12/arm x 4, rest 20 sec b/w arms


B2. Ring Body Saw from Elbows, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec


Tuesday (Mike to not waste your time programing this we probably might want to come up with something am going to do with better effort I know am not going to do this with any effort to be beneficial)
Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
20 No Push Up Burpees- keep core tight
Run 600m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A1. Front Rack Yoke Carry (full hand on bar)- 50’ x 4, rest 60 sec

Put 145 on yoke

A2. Ring Face Pulls @ 3030, 10 reps x 4, rest 90 sec-

B1. Bear Hug Stone Squat (focus on keeping toes straight forward) 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec

115 ( this was way worst then I thought)

B2. Inchworm Push-Up, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-


C1. DB Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 24 alt reps (12/leg) x 3, rest 30 sec **continuous reps, light enough to where you don’t have to break but it does burn a lot


C2. YTI Raise @ 2020, 5/letter x 3, rest 60 sec-

Thursday ( Did class with new member  21:06, 210 pace on row, 10 pullup)
Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Burpees **match last week’s score
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
10 Squat Jumps high as possible
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
8 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

Friday ( Get it in)
Run 30 sec @ consistent aerobic effort (not sprint)
Brisk Walk 60 sec
X 6 rounds
Easy walk 4 min
X 3 sets
**let me know if you get this in

Sunday, July 9, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
30 sec Tricep Smash-

A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 2021,  3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **Heavier


A2. Floor Press @ 31X1, 2-3 x 5, rest 60 sec

Not done because of elbows

B1. Seated Good Morning @ 4011, 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **make sure feet are in front of knees w/ shins slanted back.  Keep back arched


B2. Side Plank on Ring (ring as close to ground as possible), 20-30 sec/side x 4, rest 60 sec-

20 sec

B3. Seated Hamstring Curls, 20 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Blue band

Tuesday ( Did hero WOD)
Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
20 No Push Up Burpees- keep core tight
Run 600m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..
A. Front Squat @ 30X1, build to 1RM

B. Pull-Up @ 20X1, build to 1RM

C1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -
C2. Ring Push-Ups @ 50X1 @, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-

C3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 10X3, 10 reps @ 185-205# x 4, rest 60 sec **note change in tempo

C4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-


Thursday (Did class workout its hard for me to let someone did it by themselves  20:10)
Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
5 Burpees **match last week’s score
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
10 Squat Jumps high as possible
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
8 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both
**goal is same or more second time around

 Friday **get it in!
A1. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 30 sec **hold a weight 15-20#
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Jumping Lunges for max height, 8/leg x 4, rest 120 sec-*hold some kind of weight, about 10#/H
Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 1:00 min
X 5 sets

Sunday, July 2, 2017

3 sets not timed:
10m Monster Walk ea direction-
10 Sidelying Clamshell/side-
10 Cook Hip Lifts/leg-
30 sec Tricep Smash-
A1. Barbell RDL (to just below knee cap) @ 2021,  5 reps x 5, rest 60 sec (3-4 warm up sets) **movement quality looks great last couple weeks, keep it up.


A2. Incline Bench @ 31X1, 2-3 x 5, rest 60 sec **put one end of bench on top of another bench for incline


B1. Seated Good Morning @ 4011, 10 reps x 4, rest 60 sec **make sure feet are in front of knees w/ shins slanted back.  Keep back arched

Just bar

B2. Side Plank on Ring (ring as close to ground as possible), 20-30 sec/side x 4, rest 60 sec-


B3. Seated Hamstring Curls, 25 reps x 4, rest 90 sec **Blue band

Finally did this right

Did class workout

Repeat Effort
10 min @ 80%
18 No Push Up Burpees- keep core tight
Run 600m
Rest 5 min
X 3 sets

Wednesday **record weights and reps etc..

Didn't make it
A1. Front Squat @ 40X1, 3 reps x 5, rest 60 sec  **2-3 warm up sets to find starting weight **no standing on plates
A2. Wide Grip Pull-Up @ 40X2, 3-4 x 5, rest 60 sec **focus on tempo on way down **add weight if possible
B1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls @ 40X1, 8 reps x 4, rest 60 sec -
B2. Ring Push-Ups @ 50X1 @, 10-12 x 4, rest 60 sec-
B3. Barbell Glute Bridge @ 10X3, 10 reps @ 185-205# x 4, rest 60 sec **note change in tempo
B4. Narrow Supinated Grip Pull-Ups @ 20X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 90 sec-

Repeat efforts
5 min @ 80%
Run 100m (out the garage door, back in the front door)
4 Burpees
Rest 3 min
5 min @ 80%
Bike 300m
12 Jumping Lunges
Rest 3 min

5 min @ 80%
Run 100m
7 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 min
Repeat both


**goal is same or more second time around

Friday **get it in!
A1. Wall Squat, 60 sec x 4, rest 30 sec **hold a weight 15-20#
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 10X2 tempo *hold 2 sec at top, 12/leg x 4, rest 30 sec
A3. Jumping Lunges for max height, 8/leg x 4, rest 120 sec-*hold some kind of weight, about 10#/H
Run 800m
30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 1:00 min
X 5 sets