Warm Up: Stretch Hips and Front Rack Position for 5 min
10 min Aerobic Warm Up (Run,Bike,Row, Jump Rope)
A1. Seated DB Arnold Press @ 30X2, 4 x 10, rest 30 sec
A2. Strict Pull-Ups @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8, rest 90 sec **add
weight if possilbe
Still with out weight
weight if possilbe
Still with out weight
2 sets
Bike 20 Cals
10 Burpees
Bike 20 Cals
10 Air Squats
Rest 90 sec b/w sets
12:54 (went to fast on 1st cal 20 never recovered)
Crossover Symmetry Activation Protocol
A. Unweighted Single Leg Good Mornings @ 2020, 3 x 10/side, rest as needed
B. Jefferson Curl unweighted @ 3030, 2 x 5, rest as needed
Sled Walk w/ Harness around waist, 4 x 60 sec, rest 90 sec
With 45lbs plate
With 45lbs plate
Lateral Sled Walk, 3 x 60 sec each direction, rest 60 sec b/w sides 45 lbs plate
Seated Banded Abduction, 3 x 10 w/ 1 sec pause at end range, rest as needed
Bike 5 min easy pace
A1. Single Arm DB Bench Press on Swiss Ball: 4 x 8/arm, rest 45 sec
A2. Supinated Grip Inverted Row @ 20X2, 4 x 8-10, rest 45
Got 8 each time
Got 8 each time
C. LYING Barbell Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15 reps, rest 30 sec
Light bar with 15 add
Light bar with 15 add
For time **as long as back feels ok to add weight, if not, do 100 alt step ups for time:
50 Alternating Step Ups
30 Alternating step Ups, 20#/H
10 Alt Step Ups, 35#/H
19:23 (only did 5 step up with 35)
3 x 10 sec Bike Sprint, rest 90 sec
Friday: Bodyweight ( got to about 20 back started feeling fun stopped)
For time:
100 Burpees